[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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The End and the Beginning
With respect it isn't really your call to make right now. Off the top of my head -

Hime - safe lynch, but voteless scum is eh. I actually lean town on the claim because could have just claimed Bran which is stronger than fucking Hodor.
Wakanda - Consensus pick. I have reason to believe he's town, but if he's a strong indie he could work against it, unlike the others per their claims. Robb's role stands out TBH.
Kweh - Not town, safe lynch.
YTW - Watcher results are iffy, inconsistent play. Probably not red thanks to Cooler catch.
Dofla - claim is probably not townie from character.
Pot - removes the danger of Dany going insane. My least favourite lynch here.


What could have been...
When you claim you have to paraphrase in future.

Like you could say, I'm Olenna Tyrell with a bus drive and a rolecop shot (ideally in this situation you'd claim something like x-shot rolecop to not give up how many shots you do have of a role)
doddsy whats ur poe looking like rn

how much did u read from the game


The End and the Beginning
Hime - safe lynch, but voteless scum is eh. I actually lean town on the claim because could have just claimed Bran which is stronger than fucking Hodor.
Wakanda - Consensus pick. I have reason to believe he's town, but if he's a strong indie he could work against it, unlike the others per their claims. Robb's role stands out TBH.
Kweh - Not town, safe lynch.
YTW - Watcher results are iffy, inconsistent play. Probably not red thanks to Cooler catch.
Dofla - claim is probably not townie from character.
Pot - removes the danger of Dany going insane. My least favourite lynch here.
Need thoughts on this please.
With respect it isn't really your call to make right now. Off the top of my head -

Hime - safe lynch, but voteless scum is eh. I actually lean town on the claim because could have just claimed Bran which is stronger than fucking Hodor.
Wakanda - Consensus pick. I have reason to believe he's town, but if he's a strong indie he could work against it, unlike the others per their claims. Robb's role stands out TBH.
Kweh - Not town, safe lynch.
YTW - Watcher results are iffy, inconsistent play. Probably not red thanks to Cooler catch.
Dofla - claim is probably not townie from character.
Pot - removes the danger of Dany going insane. My least favourite lynch here.
i think wakanda is indy, he claimed 3 abilities and said he has more iirc
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