Game of Thrones Mafia Day 7
Final Vote Count
Dofla 7 - Ratchet, Kagurashii, Wakanda, Blue, Pot Goblin, Hime
As the Iron Captain and King of the Iron Islands trudged up to the gallows, he thought only of feasting in the Drowned God's watery halls with the honourable men he had defeated ...
Final Vote Count
Dofla 7 - Ratchet, Kagurashii, Wakanda, Blue, Pot Goblin, Hime
As the Iron Captain and King of the Iron Islands trudged up to the gallows, he thought only of feasting in the Drowned God's watery halls with the honourable men he had defeated ...
King Victarion Greyjoy
1x Daykill, Bound by Duty, A Proposal, (Serial Killer)
‘There is no wine so sweet as wine taken from a foe. One day I shall drink your wine, Crow's Eye, and take from you all that you hold dear.’
Congratulations, you are King Victarion Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned! A fearsome warrior, but something of a dullard, you are compelled by your own sense of honour. Previously serving as your brother Balon’s right hand, you are now resentfully forced to serve your brother Euron, whom you want revenge against. Your third wife was unfaithful to you with him, and you were forced to beat her to death with your bare hands to remove the stain on your honour. You are the Lord-Captain of the Iron Fleet, and one of the finest sailors in the land.
Your brother has now despatched you at the head of the Iron Fleet to locate the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, and bring her, and her dragons to him in the form of a wedding proposal. You of course know your brother better than this, but you will do your duty nonetheless …
The strongest of the Ironborn warriors, you seek to betray your brother and take the dragonqueen for yourself. Just remember, he is always watching …
In this game, you have the following roles:
-1x Daykill (You may kill a player in the game thread at any time. Type Daykill <target> in the game thread. This action cannot be cancelled, so only draw steel if you intend to use it!)
- Bound by Duty (Your brother Euron knows your identity, and you suspect he is in service of dark powers. Nonetheless, you wish to find the queen. You may target a player at night and learn if they are Daenerys Targaryen)
- A Proposal (Once you have located Daenerys, you may write a proposal to her. If she accepts, her followers will potentially desert her, and her win condition will change. You will give her the Iron Fleet, and you will have the means to challenge your brother, as well as the petty lords of Westeros. If she declines …
- Serial Killer (Unfortunately, the Dragonqueen has refused your proposal. With your brother dead, there is no one strong enough to oppose your claim to being the King of the Iron Islands. Henceforth, you are King Victarion Greyjoy, and you have gained a factional kill you may use.
Your win condition has now been updated to the following:
You win when you are the last player remaining, or when you achieve independence for the Iron Islands. It will become clearer how to achieve this as the game progresses, and your story is far from finished ... Now to begin the long voyage home.
1x Daykill, Bound by Duty, A Proposal, (Serial Killer)
‘There is no wine so sweet as wine taken from a foe. One day I shall drink your wine, Crow's Eye, and take from you all that you hold dear.’
Congratulations, you are King Victarion Greyjoy, Ironborn Aligned! A fearsome warrior, but something of a dullard, you are compelled by your own sense of honour. Previously serving as your brother Balon’s right hand, you are now resentfully forced to serve your brother Euron, whom you want revenge against. Your third wife was unfaithful to you with him, and you were forced to beat her to death with your bare hands to remove the stain on your honour. You are the Lord-Captain of the Iron Fleet, and one of the finest sailors in the land.
Your brother has now despatched you at the head of the Iron Fleet to locate the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, and bring her, and her dragons to him in the form of a wedding proposal. You of course know your brother better than this, but you will do your duty nonetheless …
The strongest of the Ironborn warriors, you seek to betray your brother and take the dragonqueen for yourself. Just remember, he is always watching …
In this game, you have the following roles:
-1x Daykill (You may kill a player in the game thread at any time. Type Daykill <target> in the game thread. This action cannot be cancelled, so only draw steel if you intend to use it!)
- Bound by Duty (Your brother Euron knows your identity, and you suspect he is in service of dark powers. Nonetheless, you wish to find the queen. You may target a player at night and learn if they are Daenerys Targaryen)
- A Proposal (Once you have located Daenerys, you may write a proposal to her. If she accepts, her followers will potentially desert her, and her win condition will change. You will give her the Iron Fleet, and you will have the means to challenge your brother, as well as the petty lords of Westeros. If she declines …
- Serial Killer (Unfortunately, the Dragonqueen has refused your proposal. With your brother dead, there is no one strong enough to oppose your claim to being the King of the Iron Islands. Henceforth, you are King Victarion Greyjoy, and you have gained a factional kill you may use.
Your win condition has now been updated to the following:
You win when you are the last player remaining, or when you achieve independence for the Iron Islands. It will become clearer how to achieve this as the game progresses, and your story is far from finished ... Now to begin the long voyage home.
It is now Night 7. You have 12 hours to get your roles in. Will begin day as soon as Im able to get free time at work tomorrow.