[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Kagura just keep’s continuing to have equity with every flipped scum lol.

My pause is that Ekko was killed and not me. I think red should know I’d go Kagura here. Ekko kill benefits you the most tbh.
You are correct.

It is most unfortunate that I investigated Ekko and he died because, well, that's the easiest way to avoid giving a result as scum.

so no I don't look good from it but what can ya do
I never want to hear you bash purple again lol.

You were calling me out same whether i sussed Ratchet or Pot, it was clear to me one was scum. I weighed both and went with Ratchet.
@Ratchet why does Sam role is so powerful and how does he gets to simply confirms himself by handing sword in the Mafia? Gram added strong fake flavour so even main roles are not exempted from suspicions but you can easily do that why?

I can understand T Pein he was a Miller, Jaime Lannister would be hard to be confirmed even if he hand out swords why do ya get to do that?

But then i realised the sword thing is voiced by players visited by you. Also make sense why you had been defending Kaguu and Nana, when former being very scummy.

Also if not revival conversion thing make the most sense for NK. I also enquired it from Gram ee wouldn't be told about it unless it is inputed in the ability.​
Always suspected he was not working alone so thought could be NK, just didn’t believe there could be more Red.

Also was genuinely confused by Sword thing. Pros to however came with Randyll Tarly thing, splendid.

Anyhow Kagu is scum we voting her
Oh shit I'm actually around during day albeit for limited time.

For future reference, I am Australian so factor that into why I am not around.

I'm not super opposed to ratchet Lynch, purely because her hider targets including me would be clear.

That said, hider is a poor fake claim for scum
For what it is worth also, Tywin already flipped Lannister GF so YTW having the no kill clear should be fairly reliable unless Wakanda is lying, which wouldn't really benefit him unless they're aligned so fair unlikely.
From this point, Ratchet flipping as town hider would also fairly reliably confirm me and Kag.

Wrench in the works for some of these is if NK is also investigation immune which is not unlikely. @Ratchet does your hide mention any specific that you would die if you hid behind scum or is it non specific?
Assuming they had gotten rid of the strongman, or viewed it as a worthy sacrifice for Ekko looking good it's definitely possible he could be red scum still, although I wouldn't think it supremely likely.

2 scum dead on day 2 is pretty costly, they were a 7 man team though (at least anyway)
I'm going to say this for the sake of it, any character being alluded to that ends up not being in the game and just some random write up only one is bastard as hell.
The underlined section of the Mountains flip would be a pretty weird stipulation to have if the duelist was indeed red as well
Ehhh, question for the group, it you were the duelist and dueled someone, so it is you v someone, would you consider yourself targeted by the duel?

i.e. if Cersei was the duelist and dueled, would the Mountain then take her place?

The role swap part of it leads me to think no, as if he lost the duel then Cersei would be fucked, no?
Yeah I think it's pretty unlikely in that sense that Ekko would be red
I'm about to toddle off to bed, I think that our best bet is to go Ratchet today. Worst case scenario, they flip town and we have a few confirms.

Vote Ratchet
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