Every age/era has his own legend. Ryuma was hyped in older times and became a legend and Roger is hyped by the current and last Gen. Now it’s time for new legends like Buggy.
Ryuma, Roger and Buggy are all great
Bertrand Russell, one of the smartest men who ever lived, co-author of the book that conclusively proved that 1+1=2 and also the mathematician who received the Nobel Prize in Literature, left a message for future generations in which he says that "Whenever you consider something, ask yourself what the facts say, never be fooled by what you want to believe"
And the facts are, Ryuma defeated the entire World Government single-handedly, he defeated all the great pirates of his time single-handedly and because of some deficiency, some people believe that the power limit back then was different from today, that the admirals at the time were weaker, than admirals today, that the strongest pirates then were weaker than the strongest pirates today.
Another fact is that Roger had no competition, he didn't even fight Newgate to the end for Oden, he ran from Big Mom, stole the poneglyphs he needed and went to Laugh Tale as any weakling could go just having the poneglyphs. He defeated Xebec with Garp's help because the other crew abandoned him in the battle. And as being the Pirate King like Roger is Luffy's goal, people consider him the strongest pirate when we've been told in vivre card and in history that Pirate King is the freest, that Newgate was stronger than Roger, etc.
Nice fanfic.
Ryuma is so unknown that only people who went to Wano actually know him, and even Kaido gives the littlest pebble of shit about him and his legend. Ryuma was cannon fodder Chapapa level only used as a plot device to lose to a underperforming Zoro.
Nice fanfic.
Ryuma is so unknown that only people who went to Wano actually know him, and even Kaido gives the littlest pebble of shit about him and his legend. Ryuma was cannon fodder Chapapa level only used as a plot device to lose to a underperforming Zoro.
The fleet admiral was concerned to send an admiral to Wano because he didn't know the strength of the samurai. Not because there was 2 Yonkos there. Samurai became feared for their strength because of Ryuma.
Wow, Kaido is not concerned about a dead samurai he doesn't have to face. Good for him.
The Strongest Character in One Piece History imo (Living or Dead) is not Joy Boy, not Ryuma, not Roger, not Lurking Legend, not Kaidou, not Final Villain & not Blackbeard ... etc. He isn't Introduced yet but he will appear in Final Volumes of Story & when that happens, i hope we will both be here & i will remind you of that (I didn't count Luffy & Zoro cuz as MCs, Oda can make them as strong as he wants)
I’m not saying the opposite. I hope it won’t happen but if an undercovered past legend, alien, some 1000y guy appear and is stronger than anyone I won’t be overly surprised. After Naruto shit I learnt to open my mind even to maximum bullshit.
But out of all the people we know of past or present for now
Im (if a fighter) / Joy boy for the legends are above anyone
and the for the rest : Roger => WB > thé rest
the portrayal, importance, feats, place in the story = they have everything especially Roger. Ryuma is strong but he can’t compare
The fleet admiral was concerned to send an admiral to Wano because he didn't know the strength of the samurai. Not because there was 2 Yonkos there. Samurai became feared for their strength because of Ryuma.
Wow, Kaido is not concerned about a dead samurai he doesn't have to face. Good for him.
The current samurais aren't very strong because of the current state of their country. It's the same thing that happens to most countries after they are taken over by some outside force.
Oden almost killed Kaido in battle. The only reason he lost to Kaido was because he was distracted but the old lady. Oden's strength has never been compared or hyped up to be anywhere near Ryuma's level.
It's not hard to see how powerful Oden and Wano samurais could have been if Oden beat Kaido.
Kaido didn't just go to Wano on his own. He was invited to Wano by the old lady.
WG were also afraid of the samurai in general because they were unaware of how strong they are. Ryuma wasn’t the only reason at least according to Akainu.
WG were also afraid of the samurai in general because they were unaware of how strong they are. Ryuma wasn’t the only reason at least according to Akainu.
Are you illiterate or did you miss the part where Government doesn't dare to touch Wano for centuries?
Actually based on that alone, Ryuma >>> Whitebeard's hype.
Ryuma died, centuries later, Government still doesn't dare to touch Wano.
Whitebeard died, as soon as the news spread, fodders coming left and right to take his islands.
Whitebeard ~ Roger so connect the math, you get Ryuma >>> Roger too.
Post automatically merged:
Yep, Ryuma >>> Roger.
Ryuma died, centuries later, Government still afraid to touch Wano.
Roger died, a bit later, Government already hunting his pregnant wife, extinguishing his bloodline.
Are you illiterate or did you miss the part where Government doesn't dare to touch Wano for centuries?
Actually based on that alone, Ryuma >>> Whitebeard's hype.
Ryuma died, centuries later, Government still doesn't dare to touch Wano.
Whitebeard died, as soon as the news spread, fodders coming left and right to take his islands.
Whitebeard ~ Roger so connect the math, you get Ryuma >>> Roger too.
Are you illiterate or did you miss the part where Government doesn't dare to touch Wano for centuries?
Actually based on that alone, Ryuma >>> Whitebeard's hype.
Ryuma died, centuries later, Government still doesn't dare to touch Wano.
Whitebeard died, as soon as the news spread, fodders coming left and right to take his islands.
Whitebeard ~ Roger so connect the math, you get Ryuma >>> Roger too.
nice to start an argument with an insult!
You should start to argue without and more like a grown up. Otherwise you get a break.
but about your „argument“.
We have no idea how strong the government back then was, could be even Buggy level. Also, the Marines and WG never stated they now (!) don’t invade cause Ryuma was strong, they don’t for the simple reason they have no idea how strong the people in wano are. This has literally nothing to do with Ryuma.
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