Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yes it matters, a dreams is a fix point, a desire is not.

Like I said, we will see ;)

Of course they are present. You are just refusing to see them.

Here are the concept favoring Carrot and against Yamato (with a sum up):

1. "Development 's inertia":

Carrot's inertia is directed at adventure, she witnessed actual wonders and loved that. THerefore such a teenager would need an equal opposite force (narratively) to go back to Zou or it would be a nonsence from a storytelling perspective. Basically, Carrot's need to be in Zou needs to be higher than her needs to sail the sea. Simple narrative logic.

2. "Subversion dialogue":

Yamato statement about her future "I figured that as Ace's brother, you should be taking me on your ship" is corrupted by the fact that her statetment is based on false logic. The statement is therefore a "subversion dialogue", a dialogue meant to divert the public's attention. That statement echoes on the two other statement of Yamato saying that she will join with Luffy. Making the potentiallity of Yamato sailing out with Luffy, a diversion to let place for another development.

3. "Plantings but more precisely: Shadowings":

To understand what I'm talking about :

(For more information about plantings - I'm talking to everyone here - Here is the article about plantings in my Blog )

In short, Shadowings here are very clear. Oda has put Carrot repeatedly in those situation:

- 40+ time on the look-out post
- As a strawhat Savior
- Acting in tandem with the strawhats
- Quirking with the strawhats
- Accepted fully by the strawhats
- Linked deeply to at least two strawhats

Those elements can only be explained either if Oda had no other reason that a whim OR if oda is preparing the character subtly to become a strawhat. The first one makes no sence from a narrative perspective and someone as busy as Oda. The only logical conclusion is therefore that those elements are Shadowings, preparing Carrot to join the crew.

Indeed, without those Shadowing, the integration of Carrot into the crew would feel undeserved.

4. "The shining Nakama action" :

This is an action with a unique type of treatment, only Carrot (not even Law or Yamato) had the privilege to be depicted with.



As you can see those concepts are clear. I understand that they are new and therefore debatable. After all I conceptualized them. But they are describing REAL patterns in the narration.

So no, i'm not just trying to fit a box in a circle hole, I have actual bases and knowledge to support my claims.

No, I'm just uncovering very subtle details.
In fact no... most of the thing I talk about with Carrot are not even that subtle.

- Carrot has a unique treatment, do you take that into account ? No.
- Carrot is the only protagonist of the story who worked as an active post, alone repeatedly beside the strawhats. Do you take that into account ? No.
- Carrot is unique in term of relationship with the strawhat, this is the first time there is such a bond between a non main character and the strawhat. Do you take that into account ? No.

Etc. etc. I have dozens of exemple.

And NO, Law is not closer to the flag, one look at how he is characterized is enough. I mean come on. You are supposed to be the voice of reason here. Instead of that you are completely ignoring the points in favor of Carrot.

Why are you talking about Yamato's strenght ? That's out of subject

Yes I have. Here:

Law could indeed be a perfect candidate but two points are entering in conflict against that proposition:

1. Law's post would act as a doublon of Chopper's. Making Chopper quasi irrelevant.
2. Law has been characterized as someone who don't like to follow Luffy's order and as a captain!

I want to be clear: If Law wasn't a captain, he would be above Carrot. But there is NO WORLDS where Law, despite his good points, would willingly abandon his friends and crew to sail the seas with Luffy. That's a FAN wish, not a story driven expectation.

For you maybe, for the overall audience no. Chopper acts as a surgeon already, he is supposed to be the ultimate doctor. So, adding Law would negate that even if - technically - those two roles are not really the same.

It's all about efficiency and clarity in the narration. There must be only one of them per ship.

Law might be with Luffy at the end, but only as a ally, not at all as a part of his crew, it makes no sence from a narrative perspective with what we know from him.
I'm sorry, but I just don't have time for wall of text arguments these days, and we've been over these exact points 10 times already. Let's just agree to disagree.
I think that’s for the best, my guy…don’t see a single changed mind anywhere in this thread and the arc is finally coming to a close, so all that’s left now is seeing which side was right:brootea:
My mission was never to change your minds. My goal was to plant a seed in it.

Should the flower bloom facing the sun.. Everything I did and everything I said.. will make sence for all of you.


Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Oh look who's back.
They've been looking for you everywhere. Did you bring @Akai2 along?
If I knew where A2 was at any given time, I damn sure wouldn’t be wasting my life waiting around on this forum for him to show up :crybeard:
Post automatically merged:

My mission was never to change your minds. My goal was to plant a seed in it.

Should the flower bloom facing the sun.. Everything I did and everything I said.. will make sence for all of you.

Here’s hoping you’re right, because if you aren’t…:getnappaed:
You have wrong a lot though
Rectification: A lot of my hypothesis were wrong. But hypothesis are just hypothesis.

Here - with CarrotForNakama - we are talking about a theory

There is a reason why I can counter so easily the argumentation of the yamato base. The Yamato case/theory is only composed of hypothesis and subjective reasonning, the opposite of my CarrotforNakama theory which is a complete theory.

A theory is not an hypothesis, it's an entire load of works, facts, reasonning.. all combined together. It's aiming to be the most efficient way to explain an element. (here, the unique and odd treatment of Carrot)

When an hypothesis is a grain of sand, a theory is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

It's solid.

So needless to say that I'm very .. very .. VERY confident about my theory.
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