The only reason you are coping is because you didn't get the things like you wanted. Just because your headcannon didn't come true calling it bad doesn't make it bad. Wano is 8/10 until now and enough chapters are left to fill all headcannon holes that you talk of. Instead of developing headcannon its better to enjoy and then talk wano once its over. Rereading the entire arc in one go will be better than waiting for weeks and forgetting what has happened before and calling it failed plots.
My "headcanons":
- Decent fights for ALL the strawhats
- Decent backstory for Kaido
- Decent moments about Kaido and Big Mom sharing their past and learning more substantial info about Rocks
- Decent showing of both Kaido and Big Mom
- Decent showing of the Wano characters like the Scabbards and ninjas on both sides of the conflict
- Decent showing of ALL the Supernovas present, which were (and are) still severely lacking when it comes to backstory, characterization and motivations
- SPECIALLY a decent showing of Kidd, both in backstory (which we don't know anything about yet) and feats
Look how I'm being extremely general in writing these because there's A MILLION WAYS all of these could have been presented, not the preconceived ones I may have/support. And you can't turn around all of this in 10 chapters.
So miss me with that bullshit reasoning that "oh your expectations were too high and unreasonable". FUCK OFF.