General Feedback & suggestions

Do you agree with promoting Off-site Mafia Games?

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Drago said the system is still in place, for the record. I don't think any of us know exactly how, though.
It's as I explained in the announcement. It is mandatory for completely newbie hosts who are hosting their first game to have a coach but after that then it will be at the discretion of the host if they want a coach or not.
I'm pretty confident that will actually discourage some people from posting 200 times a day and I'm not typing this in a malicious way, you guys just need to trust me and try for a trial period. There is nothing to lose right? If I was wrong I will admit my L but my impression is that it will likely indeed discourage the spam. That could allow users like me or Udell and a few others to finally be able to play again eventually.

Besides what's the point of post count in a section where games can reach 10000 posts in 10 days all the time? It sounds like the Ground Floor where post counts are disabled.
Dw finalfanta nobody is anywhere near replacing you on the post count leaderboard don’t get scared :milaugh:


Zoro Worshipper
Dw finalfanta nobody is anywhere near replacing you on the post count leaderboard don’t get scared :milaugh:
It's not really that, I'm well aware of where I rank and also I'm losing drive in the forum due real life improvements so that is not that important to me anymore.

But I will re-post my thoughts in here since this is the thread for suggestions.

I support @Ekkologix 's idea to entertain a typology of games that would force the players to a limited amount of posts per cycle. That would undoubtedly improve the quality and size of the average post in a game and the fluff and the spam would all be stifled consistently, whereas the raw mechanics of Mafia, the more invasive this restriction was, the more would dominate.
Rather the average would improve if a limitation was set. Sometimes amazing posts even if not essays get lost in the one liners spam and that is a pity. The average post size would improve considering the actual average size is maybe 2 liners? I dunno. It doesn't look amazing however.
I had thought about it but I think the solution to that would be to start with safer limitations and then according to game statistics being grasped over time adjust the number.

I feel like only the usual top posters would end up having to reduce their counters if the limitation wasn't excessive. But, if they removed a lot of their one liners all along due it it would be extensively improbable that a shame and unnerving situation where they had to stop because of cap reached would occur.

For instance maybe sometimes Ekko Flower or whomever post in the 300s per cycle when the game is heated? But if lots of those one liners being involved were removed they would probably end up posting quite less.
I mean to set a limit of maximum posts a player can post during a cycle. It's rather to make the game smoother and flow better.

It's too obnoxious to have to read through too many one liners in a game I think, even if some of them contain important and juicy information, and also like I mentioned before, it's a shame that some posts get inevitably covered in spam and lose visibility and traction. I think it would be much more organic if a post limitation was set in order to stifle that kind of behaviour away for good and have games gives off the impression to run more on game mechanics than spam, and of course the fluff would be reduced as a direct consequence as the most spammy players would inevitably change their way to approach the game, but I'm not much against the fluff personally, that's not the primary concern, it's rather primarily the unnecessary chain of posting, even though I noticed the fluff matter could also be improved to render games more robust on the raw mechanics aspect on average. But it's ok to give players the right to play like they wish as long as an appropriate demeanor is in place.
Yeah I also would not love games where players went full serious, some fluff would be great this is why as I stated I'm far from totally against it.

My concern is mostly with the unnecessary chain of one liners which look unnerving at least personally but I'm far from the only to be concerned I bet. For the fluff matter, it would directly be decreased if the most spammy players had to adapt to the restrictions since they would enter a new mood and subconsciously or even consciously be more practical in their gaming and so focus more on its raw gist.

But it's fine if Player X posts something that is off from the raw gist of the mechanics of the game as long as that's not too excessive just like there aren't too many one liners on a game even if some of them constitute great content.

I hope something will be done in the future. I would be glad to return as a regular in that case scenario. And I know of at least 2 who would do the same.


The End and the Beginning
I'm pretty confident that will actually discourage some people from posting 200 times a day
With all due respect Beta, literally nobody cares about post counts. No one. It's a meaningless, irrelevant number. I strongly strongly doubt anyone will care if posts are disabled for the Mafia section and I doubt it's going to influence whether they post in games. It's a pointless change, turn it off for all I care, it's just a number. The are bigger things to worry about in life.


I suggest to remove the Leaderboard thread, remove the ability to like posts and remove the ability to add tags in threads. Latter should only be reserved for the thread starter.

I am suggesting this for a better mafia experience and for a better community.

Do you mean only for the Mafia section or for the whole forum?


What about turning post count off? That might decrease the spam in this section and allow users who can't afford read it finally catch up with games and be able to play them.

And besides this section's spam isn't so different from the Ground Floor's, I suggest worst case you should abilitate post count everywhere at that stage. Or at least remove from here.
Congrats, you increased your post count by posting in the mafia section 🤡
Don't worry Beta, you have the double!! amount of posts compared to the no2 user in the count. No one can beat your 100.000 post count that are mostly spam posts or reposts of the same meme in 4 different threads within the span of 5 minutes.
I suggest you to chill the f... down and stop writing 1000 word essays all across the forum.
If you guys disabled post count in here I feel like I would play a trial game to see if I was right in my prediction.
No one cares. And I wouldn't join any game you're part of.


Zoro Worshipper
I think the idea to introduce post cap is much better than removing post count but that would have still likely served to decrease just a little. Anything that could help restoring more organic games.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
First, post cap is ridiculous idea. Some people posts a lot in Mafia games simply because it's part of their meta and they like to participate actively in the game.

No one posts for the sake of getting more post counts. 🤦

Take ekko, Fuji, flowa, ratchet or anyone with such style - they posts more because that's how they play and not to gain more posts counts.

Also, every host encourage activity - more the merrier. So idea of post cap is just ridiculous.

Mafia section is dedicated section for games. People mostly talk regarding game. Yes, there are some off-topic discussions but everyone takes part in it (not just top activity guys) and it chill the atmosphere. Not to mention, off topic discussions are far less than meaningful posts and never derial the thread.

Now, on fuji

He doesn't need to prove anything. He already did. He is good Mafia player and has turn out to be good host. He put efforts and is also team player.

We shouldn't stick to seniority or something but should cherish talent and aptitude.

Fuji has shown that he has everything - experience, aptitude, talent, team player, game understanding, good host and player.

He is right fit for coach or anything if this section needs one.


@Finalbeta it perplexes me why you continue to advocate for a posting restriction or removing the post count when every time you do, you get bodied. It should be made clear to you by now that any such rule will never happen. If you don't like the excessive fluffing or spam, that's fine. That's your own preference, nobody's forcing you to play mafia here. You're free to pack your bags and play on any other mafia site that you aren't banned from.

My opinion about post caps is that they can serve their purpose well in very specific situations (such as mafia champs) but generally, they're terrible. I wouldn't implement one in my game (at least not one as an all-purpose rule for players to follow. An ability or mechanic is a different matter). I will always encourage activity in my games. If another host wants a post cap in their games, that's their choice. I wouldn't recommend it though.

With that being said, a post cap isn't going to be implemented as a section-wide rule. Ever. So, Beta, drop it and move on.