What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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so from what I gather the WG ships are still there and the plan is to Buster Call Wano?

Theres no fucking tension because we were already told Momo will be know as Wano's Great Shogun xD
Damn Oda plz end this arc
let us see what happen outside of Wano
God on one hand, half of you are begging he rush though this (which he clearly already is), and the other half are complaining that he's going way too quickly.

Dude can't win lol.

Anyway, good stuff seems to be happening in the next few chapters, so have patience.


It's like sending a Yonko dude.

The reason this seems weird to you guys is that you still haven't processed that admirals and yonko are in the same tier of power.

Just imagine Kaido or Shanks were in his place. It makes sense.
Not really, not even Shanks pulled up on Marineford alone

and the people in Wano defeated Two Yonkous on their prime, not fucked up like Whitebeard
There's a good chance they force a stalemate but there's no way Oda has an admiral get wrecked in their first onscreen apearance.
Still it's pretty optimistic thinking about a true fight between him and someone of the pirate side, it does not make much sense.
I'd say likely SHs will run from Wano and avoid a confrontation (WB run from fodder marines in Oden's fb).
Maybe a clash of powers from the ships or smth, or a ship battle.
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