What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Hes either a shimotsuki, some sort or spiritual reincarnation, or a clone lol

There's too many things that coincidentally tie and connect him to the shimotsuki clan
None of those, man. He literally does not have the feature of a Wanonese. He simply happened to know a bunch of Shimotsukis from his dojo, that's all.

The Luffy = Ryuma confirmation might instead mean the Joyboy from 800 years ago was the progenitor/ancestor of the Shimotsukis and this will be related to the importance of Wano in the bigger picture.


Lead them to paradise.
Akainu having difficulty controlling his subordinates is a testament to how strong his subordinates are.

These guys aren't Jacks who shit themselves in front of their boss.
Nowhere in the story did it say that rocks crew wasnt listening to him, just that there was a lot of infighting within them. But when it came down to it, ie going to God Valley, they listening to their captain.

Meanwhile we have Fuji who blatantly shows Sakazuki the middle finger and tells him to fuck off and goes rogue on his ass, Greenbull who goes around doing whatever he wants while Akainu out there having a seizure and let's not forget the Gorosei that told this man to shut the fuck up and keep licking their shoes :milaugh:

Akainu is just bitchmade, all these years as a blue collar worker made him soft.
Ok let’s high ball and low ball Ryokugyu’s fruit abilities.

Low ball - he can just sprout and control lots of various planets, giving him large AOE and versatility.

Medium ball - he can power himself up with sunlight/stored energy and fire off

High ball - he’s literally invincible/will regenerate from anything if the sun is out.

Extreme high ball - his fruit power controls life itself, making him the most broken character in the story.
Basket ball - he is pretty tall, so he'd do well.

Foot ball - he's too tall and big, getting nut meged.

"Ball" Ball - he is a pretty big guy. So he probably has big ball.
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