A Kou has the better feats, but Roku O Mi has the better stats.
ROM is overlooked and underestimated by a huge portion of the Kingdom fandom, in large part, I suspect, because of his personality and this particular audience having an affinity for edgelords and the cooler, more served characters they like to project themselves on, e.g. Kan Ki, Ou Sen, A Kou, etc.
Regardless of how he is perceived, though, Roku O Mi is a very powerful combatant, a highly capable leader, and an experienced veteran. Hara didn't give him these stats for nothing:
STR 92
LDR 90
INT 82
A Kou's stats are:
STR 91
LDR 89
INT 87
Granted, stats are inherently arbitrary and don't tell the whole picture. They certainly don't determine the outcome of any hypothetical scenario. The circumstances do.
imo, Hara's stats leave a lot to desire in terms of reflecting what's on the panel, and on that basis alone I would have given A Kou a 93 in STR and 90 in LDR - that's just based on his performance.
This is match is pretty close. I'm personally leaning towards ROM in a duel and towards A Kou in a battlefield scenario.
That said, while not as impressive, we did see Roku O Mi call out formations during the Coalition War, so perhaps we'll get an opportunity to see how deep that skillset goes for him at a later date.
That said:
Just, no. This is a highly a difficult win for whoever wins.
This is insulting to both Roku O Mi and A Kou.