What the best thing in the chap ?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
The duality of man

Okay so I’ve been mentioned literally 13 times, time to peep these spoilers once more:

Oh my Fucking god, I love it, I absolutely love it

An Admiral literally solo’ing an entire Yonko crew while also maintaining the facade that the Marines can’t solo a Yonko crew is sure to send these confused Yankers into an eternal mental loop of confusion. Meanwhile, this reiterates the exact points I’ve been making for years, that the Government can easily eliminate the Yonko but actively chooses not to for a variety of complex reasons

See this is what Wano has been missing, actual fucking nuance, and this is what the Admirals always brought to the OP manga. This is the type of writing that has so thoroughly confused babies for a decade, but made so explicit that now these very same babies can no longer deny that the Government is deliberately allowing the Yonko to exist and deliberately allowing the OP world to maintain the power structure that it is, because said power balance actively benefits them by allowing them to maintain power.

God damn. I’m sure Yankers will still be confused, but for me this shit is just according to keikaku (translator note: keikaku means plan)

Anyway, best chapter in the past 4 years of One Piece without question.

EDIT: oh and also, Admiral = Commander Fucking obliterated right now.
@Erkan12 where is your god bro

@Swallalala @Tejas @SkySanji

@Extravlad @AdmiralKinyagi @The White Crane @Wiwi @MarineHQ62 @AkainuTheGrimReaper
Law and Kidd hold their own against fully powered Big Mom but people still on about their King~Kidd powerscaling... This chapter proves that both Law and Kidd are just significantly stronger than King and Queen.
-I’ve been preaching it all along and we get downplayers actually believing Kid and Law together would get stomped this hard by any top tier lol. Queen was getting wrecked by a hakiless BM
-I’m glad we finally get a clear line between YC1 (Marco/Kat/King) and guys Oda gave the same bounty as the MC to


I will never forgive Oda
Push all the agendas you want. Aramaki says it Admiral >>>>>>> YC's.

Put forth any YC bar Beckman and they still get this treatment. It is what it is.
Anyone who can read knew admirals were way above YCs lol. Aokiji can casually swat Doflamingo like a fly and at worst he’s YC3 and at best he’s around Queen’s level of strength.
We don’t know if he made the sword black. He could’ve picked it up when it was already black like Zoro did with Shusui
I doubt. Zoro was a rookie and it was made evident. With black blades being a rare feat. Meanwhile Ryokugyu is a solid top tier and belongs to the WGs strongest military force. He wouldn't just have a bunch of people wear black blades they haven't even forged themselves.
This is the biggest bullshit ever, one of the main characters of this series(ranks 3 in term of panel time), who is also a strong character with a lot of room for growth, wont fight admirals? Well this can happen only if the admirals wont encounter the straw hats, and this makes no sense.
Oda doesn’t want Sanji in this light, Admirals are now the end game, A defining moment in history and I’m confident as hell They’d fight the future leaders of the next age of pirates. That is the SUPERNOVAS. Oda has already made it clear. Luffy Law alliance is here to stay forever. Right now Law is no less than a commander for Luffy. Kidd will go down the same path as he has no crew
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