What the best thing in the chap ?

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I’m actually fucking mad.

You guys are literally just fucking denying reality, there’s no sea stone cuffs.

Headcanon is one thing, but actively denying canon is fucking retarded on a level so degenerate I almost can’t believe it.

Enjoy being blocked you clown.
What about your headcannon about BMP and CP-0 Transmission? You are even more delusional. You said he'd beat Gear 5 Luffy with all forms of advanced Haki with plants. You are equally retarded and when you get negged by guys you cry like a little bitch. YOU HAVE A VAGINA!
Btw: Onigashima should've prisons as well and the flower capital does anyways. I doubt they were just randomly lying around for a week on Onigashima lol.
Yeah. Especially since Udon is located somewhere in an abandoned dessert. I guess they just don't care because King and Queen are already beaten, as their captain is. Hence you cannot compare it to Dressrosa, which is much smaller than a vast country like Wano. Plus Doffy and his family being arrested by the marines.
What will your excuses be then?

Retard how will he not he defeated by Awakening, All forms of Haki advanced? This is One Piece not retard piece. Gorosei are shitting their pants and you loser spewing bs here. Go write your stupid headcannon piece. Bajrang Gun will one shot any admiral.
Yeah. Especially since Udon is located somewhere in an abandoned dessert. I guess they just don't care because King and Queen are already beaten, as their captain is. Hence you cannot compare it to Dressrosa, which is much smaller than a vast country like Wano. Plus Doffy and his family being arrested by the marines.
Another point: Who outside or Sanji and Zoro from the alliance has even seen King or Queen get yeeted far away from Onigashima ?
Dude. Tama said they had a choice to stay under her control.

Also, do you know what the definition of a month is?

(spoiler, it’s the time between two full moons)
Yeah but Babanuki wasn't turned right after the previous full moon, if i rememner correctly she took control of him after the events with Big Mom at Udon then we had a 2 week timeskip to the raid.
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