The Zoro and Sanji Truce Thread

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That was so fucking stupid. In retrospect, WCI wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be.

these were really powerful moments imo and I am glad Oda chose to go this route with sanji rather than have him beat the shit out of judge. WCI was never about Sanji's strength, in terms of strength, Oda portrayed that sanji was stronger than all the vin smokes(or at least he would be once he got his raid suit) by the fact that whenever Sanji clashed with them, the vin smokes only got the upper hand by manipulating Sanji's emotions.

also just because Sanji didn't kick a mountain in half like zoro doesn't mean he had bad feats. He was still pretty impressive imo:
  • blitzed Oven
  • clashed on par with daifuku's giant genie using only base kicks
  • was on par with Judge(who was on par with Snack) despite not having a RS
  • beat raisin
If you look at things without the lens of Z vs S, he actually did alright. Not everything Sanji does needs to be compared to Zoro. Zoro is a fighter before anything else, when its Zoro's time to shine, Oda makes him do something ungodly badass. While Sanji can do badass things, I don't think that was ever supposed to be the main part of his character.
Fights are a big part of OP.
Sanji deserved a cool fight in his arc after so many years...
Even prefering Sanji, i have to recognize that Zoro fits better with Neketsu shounens...

Zoro is a better character for Dragon Balla/One Piece than Sanji. In terms of action.

But in terms of plot, Sanji is way much better than Zoro, but IMO most of people prefere fights over plot... SO in resume, Zoro is a better character for One Piece...
I like Sanji's fighting style, probably my favorite aside from Rokushiki. Although I would have like Oda to incorporate some knees into it. The raid suit was a terrible addition in my opinion.
Sanji is a wayyyy better character than Zoro. It isnt even close and fuck this dumb truce thread lmao. It was nice till it was ruined.

Now Zoro and his cute little pink Enma sword can carry on fighting more fodder:gokulaugh:
That was so fucking stupid. In retrospect, WCI wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be.

these were really powerful moments imo and I am glad Oda chose to go this route with sanji rather than have him beat the shit out of judge. WCI was never about Sanji's strength, in terms of strength, Oda portrayed that sanji was stronger than all the vin smokes(or at least he would be once he got his raid suit) by the fact that whenever Sanji clashed with them, the vin smokes only got the upper hand by manipulating Sanji's emotions.
Then Oda's retarded ass ended WCI with the Vinsmokes clowning Sanji.....just for him to get a trashsuit. Sigh...


Zoro Worshipper
Sanji is a wayyyy better character than Zoro. It isnt even close and fuck this dumb truce thread lmao. It was nice till it was ruined.

Now Zoro and his cute little pink Enma sword can carry on fighting more fodder:gokulaugh:
Zoro is a badass guy who puts training and effort to achieve his goals

Sanji a man showing pervy tendencies and being a creep with women

MD Zolo

No Zoro fan wants to talk about Sanji.
As far as we are concerned, Sanji has nothing to do with Zoro and completely irrelevant to our fandom. So all that has to be done to bring forth a truce is:
  1. Stop comparing Zoro with Sanji (get some other made-up rival and leave Zoro alone)
  2. Stop annoying Zoro fans
And then I am sure you won't find the term "Sanji" in any posts made by Zoro fans. We would be free to focus on other things too - like showing off Luffy fandom and Shanks fandom. It is a complete waste of time focusing our energy on Sanji fandom.
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