That was so fucking stupid. In retrospect, WCI wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be.
these were really powerful moments imo and I am glad Oda chose to go this route with sanji rather than have him beat the shit out of judge. WCI was never about Sanji's strength, in terms of strength, Oda portrayed that sanji was stronger than all the vin smokes(or at least he would be once he got his raid suit) by the fact that whenever Sanji clashed with them, the vin smokes only got the upper hand by manipulating Sanji's emotions.
also just because Sanji didn't kick a mountain in half like zoro doesn't mean he had bad feats. He was still pretty impressive imo:
- blitzed Oven
- clashed on par with daifuku's giant genie using only base kicks
- was on par with Judge(who was on par with Snack) despite not having a RS
- beat raisin
If you look at things without the lens of Z vs S, he actually did alright. Not everything Sanji does needs to be compared to Zoro. Zoro is a fighter before anything else, when its Zoro's time to shine, Oda makes him do something ungodly badass. While Sanji can do badass things, I don't think that was ever supposed to be the main part of his character.