Star Wars

What is your favorite Star Wars movie ?

  • The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Revenge of the Sith

    Votes: 31 34.8%
  • A New Hope

    Votes: 7 7.9%
  • Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 22 24.7%
  • Return of the Jedi

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • The Force Awakens

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • The Last Jedi

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Rogue One

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • Solo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Lazy is the way
finally see ep 5.

im mixed : the third sister plot is weird. And the end a bit too easy (again). And how the fuck she’s alive ?

Some moments were nice and cool

And I don’t know what to think about Anakin / Obi flashback.

Overall average episode. Still 1000 betters than Boba fett.

And fuck the storm trooper really can’t shoot lol
The history of Spar, the first clone trooper to rebel against the clones' indoctrination on Kamino and to desert the Grand Army to reconnect with his mandalorian roots, even becoming a member of the CIS


As a casual Star Wars watcher

i thought this series was pretty meh

the action was pretty lacking, choreography wise, there were some cool shots of the force (i'm still waiting for someone to make full Force Unleashed level of force usage on live action)

this series kinda fucks my mind in terms of continuity for the movies

wasn't Leia supposed to barely know who Obi Wan was? only know him by name because his father talked about fighting the Clone Wars alongside him?

overall thought the series was kinda pointless in terms of the narrative


As a casual Star Wars watcher

i thought this series was pretty meh

the action was pretty lacking, choreography wise, there were some cool shots of the force (i'm still waiting for someone to make full Force Unleashed level of force usage on live action)

this series kinda fucks my mind in terms of continuity for the movies

wasn't Leia supposed to barely know who Obi Wan was? only know him by name because his father talked about fighting the Clone Wars alongside him?

overall thought the series was kinda pointless in terms of the narrative
I thought Vader's suit looked really good, that's one good thing
I really only cared about the Obi wan/Vader stuff.
Leia's character only seems to have as much prominence as it does in order to appeal to kids. Which, I guess is fine. Personally, I think episode I anakin was more bearable.

idk what the point of Reva was, other than I guess to make Vader look good in the previous episodes. Maybe disney wanted to test out this character to see if people like her enough too warrant a possible spin off show. But I really don't think anyone would care about that.
I really only cared about the Obi wan/Vader stuff.
Leia's character only seems to have as much prominence as it does in order to appeal to kids. Which, I guess is fine. Personally, I think episode I anakin was more bearable.

idk what the point of Reva was, other than I guess to make Vader look good in the previous episodes. Maybe disney wanted to test out this character to see if people like her enough too warrant a possible spin off show. But I really don't think anyone would care about that.
I think Reva's purpose is to embody whatever was left from the Jedi order in a way.

Too bad she sucks badly :tchpepe:
I actually liked the series. It had pacing issues, and some of the scenes felt cheap but other than I really had a good time.

I am not sure how Obi Wan was emasculated . On the contrary, I really admire his will to go on after losing pretty much everything his friends, Jedi Order, the Republics, Padme, and Anakin. I gotta admit that I did feel emotional during the last battle, the final talk with Leia, and seeing Liam Neeson again (always loved Qui Gon).

Ironically, this series really made people appreciate the Prequels a lot more.

Overall, its a step in the right direction after the Disney sequels.
Here is my facts based tier list (0 opinions)

S - Empire, Rogue One, ROTS, Clone Wars
A - ROTJ, New Hope, Mandolorian
B - Rebels, AOTC (i really enjoyed this for no god damn reason)
C - Resistance , kenobi, solo, Force Awakens, Phantom Menace
D - BOBF, Bad Batch (dropped it like after every episode), Last Jedi (i know all the flaws and the throne room)
E - The Clone Wars Movie
F - Rise of Palpatine


Lazy is the way
Obi Wan seriously came back in the end just to give back the robot and have a hand shake with Bail ?

Good to know we don’t have fuel problems anymore in the future