Ah yes because we both know that Luffy getting pissed off when one of his friends is mocked or hurt is totally unusual and means they have a special connection to him (spoiler: it doesn't, this is totally in character for him and in no way means she's has more meaning over any of the characters mentionned here).
Inversely, Luffy
NOT getting pissed off when someone is mocked or hurt means that they
DON'T have a special connection to him
Hell, the fact she was mentionned in a group of characters just make them blend more than necessary, if you ask me
The fact that she was mentioned when Luffy was getting his second wind to pump himself back up tells us that she's one of Luffy's primary motivations here while Yamato isn't
Now you're just talking out of your ass, and we both know it. Yamato has been shown to be incredibly important narratively to the story. Her connection to Ace was really emphasized during and after her flashback,
And guess who also has a connection to Ace?
Tama and Jimbei
so was her connection to Oden as her role model, her attachment to his journal and her desire to live freely and go out at Sea. And when I say "Yamato wants it" by proxy it means Oda wrote it you muppet, she isn't real, so obviously he wrote her in a specific way for a reason.
Of course. Oda made her want to join so that he could do a twist later on when she stays in Wano
You using both the "Yamato said something and it doesn't matter" and "Oda wrote Luffy to not care about her" in the same sentence is honestly ridiculous, both of these were his narrative decisions,
Yes because Luffy's opinion matters more than Yamato's
you still haven't shown me a reason to exclude Yamato from the SHs other than "hurr durr Loofey angy because Tama saaaaaaaaaad"
Here's one: Yamato is too irrelevant to join and this is made clear by the fact that she contributed fuck all to the plot or themes and wasn't mentioned by Luffy in 1045
Luffy cared more about Tama after knowing her for one chapter than he did about Yamato 60 chapters after meeting her
he literally reacts like that every Island when someone is hurting, that's who Luffy is.
Not Yamato apparently. He wasnt all that upset about her being chained up and beaten for 20 years
Because. He. Made. Her. That. Promise.
And he didn't make a promise to Pedro but he still mentioned him because Pedro matters more to him than Yamato
The WHOLE POINT of that statement is to show Luffy kept his side of his promise to ensure Tama would be able to eat to her heart's content in Wano by ridding it of its oppressors
Correct. Just like how he fought Arlong after Nami asked for help, fought Kuro because Usopp asked for help, and fought Moria largely because Brook needed help
which literally just feeds into the point that Tama is not leaving with the SHs
Not necessarily. Franky was set up to stay in Water 7 with the Franky Family until the
very end of the arc. Attentive readers could see this coming however, given Franky bonding with Robin and Usopp. And don't you think it's strange that Oda's going through so much trouble to show us Tama organically bonding with Luffy, Zoro, and Nami? A luxury which he isn't extending to Yamato by the way
you haven't listed a reason why she'd want to or why it would make sense for her to leave, or even a statement from her where she even expresses the desire to leave Wano to go out at Sea.
Your arguments mostly revolved around grasping at moments in the manga, while Yamato expressing her desire to leave and her connection to Ace, Luffy's brother, are fact.
Sure, because Yamato's the
only character who fits that description, right?
You're the one coping my guy, you behave exactly like every other Nakama theorist out there, but less funny than most of them.
Come on you surely you can come up with some better insults than that

I'm not
convinced that Tama will join, but come on she's got a better shot than Yamato
Never thought I'd say this, but god I miss C4N...
Well you'll be here coping and seething with him when neither Yamato or Carrot join
Like, just admit that you only want Yamato to join because you're a coomer