What happened with HA011?


Zoro Worshipper
I would like to drop the manga for good no matter how much Zoro might shine EoS but LA00 will probably return. He is meant to be way more invested than I am since I have been spending the last years merely reading discussions and spoilers than actual chapters.


Hustlerversity Graduate
I would like to drop the manga for good no matter how much Zoro might shine EoS but LA00 will probably return. He is way more invested than I am since I have been spending the last years merely reading discussions and spoilers than actual chapters.
Wow beta you're still here

I barely notice you know, guess you're staying low-key these days
Have you ever seen a mouse make a mousetrap for itself?
Zkk theory had such a capability..Zoro fans suffered a lot..And this is the result of their own actions..But we are all friends..I hope he will come back one day and defend his favorite character..And if he doesn't come back, I hope he becomes a successful person
All I see is insecure people bullying* a person on here who supports/supported zkk.

Zkk still on the table regardless of what people think. Impatience is the peoples greatest weakness.

All people can do right now is sh** posting. This too shall pass. The dawn coming and I’d hate to be on the side that’s bet against zoro so many times this arc.

I can already hear the complaints, I can already hear the downplay, I can see the denial in there eyes as they see kaido and big mom come back to the flower capital. At that point we will all know it’s over for those anti zoro folks.

The zkk supporters about to be partying soon enough

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