This will be a little longer post.
Well chapter 200 was good, the plot with the 20 000 years is insane and Hiro really hypes this.
But now I am really disappointed about the fact that Nox is Rebecca's mother. Thanks to Hiro now that Ziggy killed all of her minions the hope that she will be an antagonist in the future is gone......and that sucks extreme. So what's the fucking point that she is a member of the OSG? So in the end, Ereaser was only scared about her power? So, she never was evil or a threat to others? Hiro should make Nox someone else instead of Rebeccas mother, or at least she should have been a future villain who is really scary and powerful.
At the beginning when the OSG were introduced I was hyped because they would be major antagonists in the future with their own arcs and minions.....well that was something I thought. But now I am only disappointed about the fact that Hiro sets the focus only on Ziggy. Why all other OSG members must be connected to him?
And not only that, there are too many of them who are robots. So far only Neros was an alien. And even then, Hiro never showed such abilities from him, he looked like a fish alien, but never used water abilities, he was named after the greek god Poseidon, and even then, he doesn't show something good. He only had his dices and wormhole, an ability which Hiro gave to Ziggy...again Ziggy...

I like Ziggy, he is one of the best villains of Hiro's works, but it sucks that everything or should I say every OSG is connected to him.
So far, Fairy Tail had much better antagonists especially groups/minions. In Ez the minions are boring af. Nero empire best case. Or the dark stars. They all suck in abilities, fights and in the case to play a good role in their own arc. The groups in Fairy Tail were better treated.
Not to forget that so far Crow doesn't have his own minions, Acnoella too.
And the other oracion seis group of this series, the OSI, are disappointing too.
They declare someone as a member of the OSG because they are strong or because they have an ability which is dangerous,
instead of talking with them or inviting them to be a member of the OSI. So in the end they are only 6 people who don't like the OSG and want their deaths.....
With this chapter it's meaningless to be a member of the OSG. Because even Happy could be one, if he had cat leaper instead of Rebecca or Nox, or if he had satan gravity instead of Shiki and Ziggy.
And the most disppointing thing is that in a space manga, there aren't really many aliens overall or few aliens who play a bigger role. No one is a member of the OSI, a minion from a major character or a member of the crew of Edens....
I really had more hopes in this manga at the beginning.....