In his latest interview Oda came up with a few interesting lines. Aside from the fact the he blatantly admitted that he - and I quote - "made Chopper a mascot character", Oda also once again came up with a timeline on the ending of OP. He said "I know I've been wrong with my estimations in the past, but I really want to end OP in 3 years. That's the plan!"

My question to all of you: Where was the point, when Oda decided "Just fuck it, I will end this shit asap and enjoy real life!"
Can you actually pinpoint that? This would interest me, what are your guesses?
I'll quote myself from another thread:
"Because honestly, if Oda indeed plans to end OP in 3 years like he said, it will go down in history as the biggest letdown ever delivered (at least for a fictional story).
Heck, I can already see the showrunners of GoT celebrating, because their ending would look great in comparison.
3 years equals about 100 chapters with Oda's current output (33-35 chapters per year).
This would mean OP - having all of the actual meat and interesting parts of the story left - would end in about the same amount of chapters that the raid on Onigashima or mere setup arcs like Dressrosa or WCI took, lol."

My question to all of you: Where was the point, when Oda decided "Just fuck it, I will end this shit asap and enjoy real life!"
Can you actually pinpoint that? This would interest me, what are your guesses?
I'll quote myself from another thread:
"Because honestly, if Oda indeed plans to end OP in 3 years like he said, it will go down in history as the biggest letdown ever delivered (at least for a fictional story).
Heck, I can already see the showrunners of GoT celebrating, because their ending would look great in comparison.
3 years equals about 100 chapters with Oda's current output (33-35 chapters per year).
This would mean OP - having all of the actual meat and interesting parts of the story left - would end in about the same amount of chapters that the raid on Onigashima or mere setup arcs like Dressrosa or WCI took, lol."