Who's the better troll?

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Yamato literally saw Razio got sucked by greenbull. So Yamato is goi g sit back and watch her friends got captured by greenbull.

Are you telling me Yamato don’t fight against greenbull who is hurt her friends ?

Kt is Momo pride to not ask for help.

Yet Yamato got captured by greenbulll as bowser captured princess peach.

If someone kill your friend , another guy told you not to fight against this guy, any sane person would fight this guy who tried to kill your friend wgatever stupid saying not fighting .

So Yamato did fight and got captured by greenbull .


The only one who can beat me is me
You would think they'd learn after last chapter but unfortunately it is what it is.

Its not just that, I ain't believing anything from leakers anymore since they've proven to be dishonest crackheads who care more about agendas, online validation & attention more than giving out actual honest leaks. Might as well wait for the chapter to drop every friday at this rate.
I def won't be here next week I can promise you that lmao.
Loda is really bad with showing characters, had 1000 chapters to finally show us shanks showing a bit of something

Now I know you've lost it saying Oda made Big Mom look good lmfaooo, her final attack was Misery dude. Something Law dealt with without even using his devil fruit. Can Law even defeat Chopper without using his df?

Who gives a shit about reactionary takes, you're gonna cry over reactionary takes? You realize for an Admiral to be seen equal to a Yonkou in this hero driven fandom (where marines are the opposition group and the SHs are grouped with pirates), he has be twice as impressive as the Yonkou, it's simply how the bias in this fandom works. Proof of this is the fact that you're saying people are already switching back to BM > GB when all GB really did was run from an entire Yonkou crew, when we've literally seen prime WB run from fodder marines, we know Shanks made Kaidou pack his shit and head back to Wano with King beside him, the standard is insanely high for Admirals.

The unanimous GB > BM takes were obviously never gonna last long because Oda was never gonna maintain GB lookin twice as impressive as the Yonkou, he did it momentarily with the King and Queen feat which left people no choice, and you still had pushback.

Stop crying over discord reactions before the chapter even comes out lmao, why do you care what hypebeasts say, none of this changes the reality of the situation. GB's feats are objectively better than Big Mom's already.
Oda will always make Yonkos more impressive, you're coping too much


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
No need for Justice for either. ZKK was created by the fans, oda May have dropped hints to get people theorizing, but he didn’t owe the fans anything. (He should have just given Zoro an actual plot instead)

And Kaido was sweating when Big Mom came and she didn’t even bring two of her strongest ministers
I don't think Kaido was worried about losing to Big Mom, I think he was concerned about her destroying his territory. Big Mom is incredibly chaotic, and easily flies off the handle. Kaido probably feared her rampaging through Wano.

Zoro's plotline is about to begin, probably in 1056, maybe a chapter or two later. Chapter 61 of the series was titled "Oni"... so, I'm guessing 1061 is ZKK. Zoro's backstory is going to be the most controversial thing in this series, IMO if it actually happens. Soon enough Zoro will head to the grave of his father... the Sword God Ryuma, and reclaim Shusui, the sword he inherited by killing his zombie dad.
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