Crazy how all of this haki-based swordsman Shanks' hype is both direct and indirect Mihawk and Zoro praise.
But anyhow, fuck Oda for using someone as important as Shanks to promote a fucking non-canon movie the man has literally lost his mind and is so out of touch with reality it's ridiculous all you need to do is read that recent interview where he basically went and said that he doesn't give a damn about what his fans might think, smh...
Awakened Kaido and Big Mom along with Pluton and the rest of the BM pirates is gonna be crazy.
As Oden himself said, it will be the new generation, and especially now that they have all leveled up, in a 5v2(+ Pluton) the ones whom are gonna defeat Kaido and Big Mom.
ZKK over the flower capital in front of the entire country is gonna be the icing on the cake.