Who is the man with the burn mark?

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I did not say Buggy's influence played no role. Obviously, influence plays a huge role, which is why BB wasn't immediately termed a Yonko before TS despite his resources. What Mihawk helped in is to counterbalance the Yonko captain's strength while the rest is covered by Buggy and the other prominent members, making them equivalent to a Yonko crew.
IDK. Mihawks bounty doesn’t sound very high. Kid and Law lack the influence part. Other than that they would easily be Yonkos
Marine bounties gonna be like:
"Magma fist" Akainu: 4,500,000,000
"Speeding" Kizaru: 3,900,000,000
"Blind" Fujitora: 3,600,000,000
"Rookie" Ryokugyu: 3,200,000,000
"Golden Buddha" Sengoku:????
"Supreme leader" Kong: ????
"White snake" Smoker: 850,000,000
"ex-Marine" Aokiji: 4,350,000,000
Buggy doesn't have that kind of money, drop a 0 from all of them, would also be a nice way to mock the marines and saying you aren't worth as much as us Pirates
Marine bounties gonna be like:
"Magma fist" Akainu: 4,500,000,000
"Speeding" Kizaru: 3,900,000,000
"Blind" Fujitora: 3,600,000,000
"Rookie" Ryokugyu: 3,200,000,000
"Golden Buddha" Sengoku:????
"Supreme leader" Kong: ????
"White snake" Smoker: 850,000,000
"ex-Marine" Aokiji: 4,350,000,000
Are you high? how can trash like smoker get that bounty

Gol D. Roger

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And back to square one we go.
-Wb acknowledges buggy impel down subordinates.

-Buggy has the most military might
What does that prove? Do you suggest they counterbalance thousands of foot soldiers, hundreds of elites, veterans, and Yonko commanders, other special forces like the Numbers?

Good luck proving the ID fodder can counterbalance them all. All of this is without the captain.^^

-croc isn’t vet level if he is just makes the weakest mid top tier look worse as he can block his black blade
Get your facts checked. It was Mihawk that blocked Crocodile, not the other way around. It's not good to have unhealthy levels of hatred for a fictional character.

Hilarious because mihawk fans are legitimately the only ones tryna find a way to use this to hype him up. Anyways he’s under buggy and like ryo said admirals can’t lose to pirate subordinates
Where does it say Mihawk is Buggy's subordinate? And what changes if Mihawk is working under or with Buggy. They literally made Buggy a Yonko over the people who took down the previous Yonko because Buggy has Mihawk with him. How is that not hype for Mihawk? It takes some next-level of ignorance and cluelessness to not see it.

If mihawk single handily made buggy a yonko crew it would have made it to the newspaper or maybe even get a gorosei reaction.
Remind you out of luffy, buggy was the only with yonko quafilcations so the WG needed to fill that vaccum asap,it what it is , weakest yonko crew no marines going to take serious when your “strongest” is mihawk.
No one said Mihawk singlehandedly made him a Yonko. I said he's the biggest reason, similar to a Yonko captain, because strength is the biggest requirement to become a Yonko crew because you need to be strong enough to stand against your peers. There is a reason why BB wasn't termed a Yonko until he proved himself against WB's crew. Buggy doesn't have to do that because he has people who've already established themselves in his organization.

What does that prove? Do you suggest they counterbalance thousands of foot soldiers, hundreds of elites, veterans, and Yonko commanders, other special forces like the Numbers?

Good luck proving the ID fodder can counterbalance them all. All of this is without the captain.^^

Get your facts checked. It was Mihawk that blocked Crocodile, not the other way around. It's not good to have unhealthy levels of hatred for a fictional character.

Where does it say Mihawk is Buggy's subordinate? And what changes if Mihawk is working under or with Buggy. They literally made Buggy a Yonko over the people who took down the previous Yonko because Buggy has Mihawk with him. How is that not hype for Mihawk? It takes some next-level of ignorance and cluelessness to not see it.

No one said Mihawk singlehandedly made him a Yonko. I said he's the biggest reason, similar to a Yonko captain, because strength is the biggest requirement to become a Yonko crew because you need to be strong enough to stand against your peers. There is a reason why BB wasn't termed a Yonko until he proved himself against WB's crew. Buggy doesn't have to do that because he has people who've already established themselves in his organization.
It's no use, it appears a lot of people here lack reading comprehension and high-school level literary analysis.
I hate you
I hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate youI hate you
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