Mihawk has been portrayed above a Yonko. The Yonko have been portrayed to be enough to take on their crews. Connect the dots Jazz.
Linlin who has been portrayed to be able to take on a her crew also showed this.
Linlin needs her full power to fight against Brook, and in the process causes widespread destruction and wonders why Brook is still up after taking many attacks
Brags about how her weapons are invincible only for them to be injured by Brook
Praises Brook for putting up quite a good fight
Gets utterly humiliated by the SHC
Gets humiliated by YCs
Linlin got her head cracked by Queen.
Even in the official translation it is translated exactly like the situation with Sanji
Gets dodged by an old exhausted shrank heavily beaten up old man, potentially on the verge of death, from point blank range
but somehow we don't question her portrayal of being a Yonko and top tier. But Mihawk casually sparring with Vista, while having an inner monologue and looking the other way, and moving from there due to Sengoku's order makes the 'intelligent' readers question his portrayal and top tier standing and because of that he's a YC3 right