Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Formerly Seth

Yeah magnetism is legit heavily underutilised by Oda here, I had SO MUCH hype for it and its potential, given what it can do IRL and how its depicted in certain movies, shows, games etc and such.

I hate it when authors just turn characters with interesting powers into generic punchers/brawlers or w/e lol.
It's worse with Kidd because if he was a pure brawler who just somehow stockpiles metal on his arm it would be cool.

Oda makes him do some bumass mech type of shit which was better with Bullet.
Would be cool.

I'm surprised I'm not a Kidd fan because I fucking love anything in the manga that has something to do with magnetism powers.

Kidd is so fucking poor and not creative with his power and it's pissing me off since it is one of my favorite powers in mangas.
Kid does not have a creative mind, look at Luffy pre timeskip. Look how he creater Gear 2 and Gear 3 as well as all his techniques.
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