A few non-SBS quotes from Oda related to Zoro:
1. "
Those who participated in the 'Character Popularity Vote', thank you very much. I'm really happy that Luffy came in first. I was worried that Zoro or Shanks might overtake him." - Oda's weekly comments (1998)
2. "
Luffy, Zoro, Nami.
With them, the triggers are assembled for now.
...that's how it's said. And I have this kind of image in my mind." - Color Walk 1 (2001)
Thanks to @Vivaldi-kun and @Micchan212for the info and translation.
P.S. - The popular translation for this part was provided by Sandman from Arlong park forum. The translation was "
Luffy, Zoro and Nami are the trigger/core of ONE PIECE." @Vivaldicontacted him and Sandman agreed that this translation was misleading. Sandman edited it afterwards.
3. Ashley Rochefort:
"Why does Tashigi look like Zoro's old friend Kuina?"
"Its just a coincidence. There's no backstory like Tashigi turns out to be Kuina's sister or something....[laughs]"
- Jump Festa (2008)
4. Vicky Hutchinson: "
Zoro's my favorite character. I would like to have permission to be his #1 fan"
Oda: "
Well, Vicky, all the Zoro fans think like you do. So please do as you wish. I'd like you to think that you are the #1 Zoro fan"
- Jump Festa (2008)
5. "
I messed up Zoro's eye on the cover page of the very first chapter. The scar is supposed to be on his left eye. Ahahaha" - Oda's weekly comments (2010)
6. "
Don't speak ill of Zoro." -
Niconico Live Broadcast (28 December 2011)
(If you guys know any non-SBS quotes from Oda related to Zoro, kindly let me know. I will update this part)