Who will be the next Strawhat

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If not join, I can definitely see her inheriting Luffy’s Straw Hat in the future.
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Hopefully Carrot hides in the wrong box and ends up getting put on Kid or Law’s ship instead
If that happens, she won’t be getting any less screen time than she’s already got throughout Wano. :suresure:
Really, there’s only two options.

Either Carrot stows away again or Oda’s picked the stupidest possible way to write her off the story
"Carrot! You may be an inexperienced 15 yo who lost her only fight in war, was never shown leading and was never prepared to rule but since you you visited ONE (1) more island than the other minks, it means you're the most qualified!"
Why don't you just call this thread in "Carrot hating board".
Nah, most of us don't hate Carrot, but hate the obnoxious fans of Carrot who would shit on any other character just because. I'm personally chill about Carrot, I like her as a supporting character, but if for some reason she does get on Sunny to parallel Inu&Neko, I will not flip and lose my shit :)
Also, while I like Yamato and want them to join, the Oden wank is annoying to me, so I don't say YAMATO FLAWLESS PERFECT ALL HAIL ONI PRINCESS OR ELSE, so if they don't join, I'll be disappointed, sure, and will take my L, but again, will not lose my shit over a fictional character: D

I take it as an absolute win. My point was always that Luffy would inherit Ace's promise and that Tama wanting to become a kunoichi was the means to her end goal of going out to sea.
People said Tama wanted to grow up in Wano for the rest of her life.
People said Nami would never allow a child on the crew
People said Luffy would be like Shanks and inspire her to go by herself.
People said she was going to be raised by Speed
and too many other copes for me to remember right now
all got BTFO this chapter:gokulaugh:

Now they are in full copium saying that she'll only join in two piece, when that's just a community joke, Tama said she'll join next time they meet, and we're definitely not done with Wano for the rest of the story.
It's a shame that I probably won't be getting a Tama elbaf design, but on the other hand, Tama using ninjutsu is something I always wanted to see. I can't wait for Tama to combine her ninjutsu with her devil fruit abilities and use the Summoning Jutsu with her animals:finally:
I never thought Tama would stay forever in Wano, but I still expect her to grow up and train before she joins any crew. Well, I'm glad everyone got what they wanted :)
People wanting a shallow ass character like Carrot to join and lower Oda's established exceptional standards for each recruits because they fancy a plain joyful furry is beyond me..

Actually, lately for whatever reason the Carrot Lunatics are making me lose my sanity so i will permanently leave the Nakama thread as it's clear that Yamato is the last Strawhat.. Plus this decision must be a win win for everybody in this thread..

Neko and Inu: Yo we're staying here, Carrot you can lead the minks now since you went to two islands instead of one unlike the rest of the minks. This makes you twice as more experienced as the rest. Ignore the adventures we went on when we were your age.

Carrot: No way! I'm not strong enough!

Shishilian: Do not worry about being strong and protecting the country, I can handle that.

Wanda: Do not worry about being an experienced leader and making the right decisions, I can handle that.

The fuck you need Carrot for then?
Is this like a test or something?
Pedro's will (whatever it is) and fresh perspective?

But yeah, that seems confusing to me, I misread the spoilers initially and thought Carrot stays on Wano as a mink representative (which made sense), now I am just as lost why Oda did that :D
Carrot becoming the new ruler of Zou is certainly out of left field, and is probably Oda quickly tying up loose ends for a popular character he had no further plans for after WCI, but it's not like Oda hasn't played that card before. Back in Udon, the prisoners knew Luffy was strong and his words swayed them, but that wasn't enough. Hyogoro was the one who stated Momo was what they were missing: a dream. Gonna be the same for the minks. Carrot's the only one who follows Pedro's will, the new dream for all minks. This chapter was all about new eras, after all. That's why she needs to be the leader and no one else.

Besides, if I was a Carrot fan, I would rather her have an amazing entry in the final war arriving on top of Zunesha to tear down the walls of Wano than just be Chopper's shadow for the next three years. One is hype, the other is bland AF.

Besides, Oda said recently that he wants to draw a fun story, hence Gear 5's toony-ness. Yamato is going to be that goofball that eggs Luffy on for the next three years now that he's a seasoned vet and strongest in the verse. Just like Oden did to Whitebeard and Roger.
Really, there’s only two options.

Either Carrot stows away again or Oda’s picked the stupidest possible way to write her off the story
"Carrot! You may be an inexperienced 15 yo who lost her only fight in war, was never shown leading and was never prepared to rule but since you you visited ONE (1) more island than the other minks, it means you're the most qualified!"
Don't try telling that people here
Carrot becoming the new ruler of Zou is certainly out of left field, and is probably Oda quickly tying up loose ends for a popular character he had no further plans for after WCI, but it's not like Oda hasn't played that card before. Back in Udon, the prisoners knew Luffy was strong and his words swayed them, but that wasn't enough. Hyogoro was the one who stated Momo was what they were missing: a dream. Gonna be the same for the minks. Carrot's the only one who follows Pedro's will, the new dream for all minks. This chapter was all about new eras, after all. That's why she needs to be the leader and no one else.

Besides, if I was a Carrot fan, I would rather her have an amazing entry in the final war arriving on top of Zunesha to tear down the walls of Wano than just be Chopper's shadow for the next three years. One is hype, the other is bland AF.

Besides, Oda said recently that he wants to draw a fun story, hence Gear 5's toony-ness. Yamato is going to be that goofball that eggs Luffy on for the next three years now that he's a seasoned vet and strongest in the verse. Just like Oden did to Whitebeard and Roger.
2 things would've made this work really well.

1. Actually setting this up sometime in Wano, 1 scene was all that's needed to at least set the foundation. Maybe she wins a fight, has an act of bravery, or even leading the minks.

2. Have it a personal conversation between Carrot and the Dukes. It would've been more impactful and made it seem like Carrot is the best candidate for the job. Here we have Shitshilian and Landa creaking in on their old, dogshit knees being like "LOL you are definitely not cut out for the job, we'll take care of it though"

I agree that Carrot going down the path of the Lunar Queen will lead to a grand moment EoS. I just hope the potential send off is good.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
No you're not and I'm speaking from experience.
That’s nice of you to say, but I haven’t directed my fury your way because I think you’re respectful even if I disagree with your opinion…if you deserved to be treated like a bitch the way @dizzy2341 and several others do, you wouldn’t like me either and you’d be right not to :willsmith:
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