Spoiler One Piece Chapter 977 Spoilers Discussion

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Lead them to paradise.
Ugh, I hate how much sense that makes...but he’s talked himself into a tight spot by going on so much about how Kaido at least is going down by the end of the arc. Linlin’s the only one that could feasibly survive, and after WCI, I really hope that’s not the case.

Still, I agree that the former Rocks crew mates probably haven’t fully served their purpose yet. Wonder how this son will be involved in this conflict OR the future.
When did oda say that kaido is going down this arc?

Gotta love this community. The moment we learn of a new character, the first thing on everyone's minds here are "where do they fit in our imaginary tiers?" "Who will fight them?"

Never change, Worstgen.
Luffy VS Ace, then Kaido
Zoro VS Strongest Number, then King
Sanji VS 2nd Strongest Number, then Queen
Jimbei VS 3rd Strongest Number, then Jack
Nami VS Number
Usopp VS Number
Chopper VS Number
Robin VS Number
Franky VS Number
Brook VS Number

Gotta love this community. The moment we learn of a new character, the first thing on everyone's minds here are "where do they fit in our imaginary tiers?" "Who will fight them?"

Never change, Worstgen.
The only problem is there is sort of a precedent for it. Kaido clearly has a card motif going. The Ace card is higher than the King card, yet there hasnt been a sign of this person at all this arc. Some people assumed Kaido might be the Ace. But NOW that we have confirmation of an additional member to Kaido's crew, its possible.

Granted its ALL speculation atm
Is that true canon drawing or fanart others borrow? Figure hasn't been been shown in the pictures.

Then does that mean if we use Anime is canon again, Zoro vs Batman is going to happen?
Oda doesnt show the aftermath of sanji vs page one so we dont know is he defeeated for good not..then anime came with page one is not defeated so i think anime is right if page one shows again at party


The real question is

Is Kaido son going to be "ace" of the beast pirates or someone like "Lola" from bigmom pirates.....need to see where the Oda will go with this....

if he is ace, then king ain't the second strongest....

on the other hand, some people are damn insecure

*cough King fans...:gokulaugh:

and I don't care about the appearance of this son because appearance won't make people strong....
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