Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

😂😂😂😂 cope

Zoro ain't shit to luffys top speed. Never has been and never will be. Nor a quarter of his physical strength. Unlike sanji.
Alright Mr.MyOpinionIsFact.

Zoros best hope is to be 4th. With chopper on his heels
SBS said that Zoro without getting lost is at least 4th. He's 100% confirmed to be 4th or above.

Oda didn't even say that he'd be be one spot higher. He said higher in general. Makes me wonder why.
You really can't think of why?😂😂😂 then you don't understand zoro
Enlighten me lol. Because I don't think you even understood my question.

Because Oda could've said he'd be a spot higher. But said he'd be higher in general. Zoro can be anywhere from 1st to 4th and that's all the SBS proves. Impossible to be below 4th, as the answer states "If he didn't get lost, he'd be higher than 5th"
In the SBS One Piece column volume 85, a reader asked, "Who is the fastest Straw Hat crew in a 50-meter race?" Oda answered by giving the reader an order from fastest to slowest.
  1. Brook
  2. Sanji
  3. Luffy
  4. Chopper
  5. Zoro
  6. Usopp
  7. Nami
  8. Robin
  9. Franky
This goes to show just how impressive sanjis speed is. Let's first take a look at Chopper dodging a laser attack from queen in 1014. Chopper in his best form and the 4th fastest sh just dodged a beam from queen barely.

Comparing this to zoro literally being drawn to have awkwardly avoided being hit by queens laser here
Along with zoro saying Tempura udon attack is "like a laser beam" here. Look at zoro in both panels. He's in the same position.

This all canonically makes sense if choppers faster than zoro. And according to an sbs he is. Now I normally wouldn't place choppers speed above zoros either but we can't ignore the portrayal and direct words from the author. Zoro is allowed to be surpassed in some aspects by other strawhats besides luffy.

Compare all this to sanji dodging a barrage of beams with a smile on his face

Knowing all of this and then sanjis new speed post awakening along with ifrit making him even faster than just invisible.

Sanjis fuckin broken right now
Never thought this post would gain traction.

Let's not forget the most recent sbs confirming sanjis speed invisibility as being effective on everyone.
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Enlighten me lol. Because I don't think you even understood my question.

Because Oda could've said he'd be a spot higher. But said he'd be higher in general. Zoro can be anywhere from 1st to 4th and that's all the SBS proves. Impossible to be below 4th, as the answer states "If he didn't get lost, he'd be higher than 5th"
Zoros not faster than luffy tho. Thats my point. He scores higher than chopper potentially. Not luffy.
Enlighten me lol. Because I don't think you even understood my question.

Because Oda could've said he'd be a spot higher. But said he'd be higher in general. Zoro can be anywhere from 1st to 4th and that's all the SBS proves. Impossible to be below 4th, as the answer states "If he didn't get lost, he'd be higher than 5th"
Zoro’s not faster than sanji… keep coping
Never thought this post would gain traction.

Let's not forget the most recent sbs confirming sanjis speed invisibility as being effective on everyone.
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Zoros not faster than luffy tho. Thats my point. He scores higher than chopper potentially. Not luffy.

Zoro is faster than base Luffy. Luffy has to upgrade while Zoro always has his maximum power
Zoro blitzes and oneshots, he blitzed Kaido multiple times, Queen the slug is literally the slowest character in the manga and we all know who got blitzed by the fatass that got blitzed by Big Meme. :ace:
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Zoro is faster than base Luffy. Luffy has to upgrade while Zoro always has his maximum power
According to one of the one piece knowledge king things jinbe would be placed last even below franky
So the race definitely doesn't include things like soru like techniques or speed boost techniques in general
Bro what? This sbs was pre ts before jimbei was on the crew?
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Sanji's very dangerous because he can move at great speeds in nearly every direction. His aerial movement is even superior to some flying Devil Fruits, since Sanji doesn't have wings to target, and can change direction better than a character like King in his full Zoan form.
Like you fr need top tier endurance or durability to even handle a beef blitz barrage.

There's nothing you can do to block it. No reaction good enough. He's simply too fast.

All man's needs now is one more ap boost like ifrit and he murder stomps the verse.
He's gonna need a durability upgrade for that so he'll be basically indestructible at that point.

Eos sanji is gonna be ridiculous
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Is Sanjino the fastest character in Wano? :sanmoji:
Honestly he might be the fastest in the verse. Maybe not faster than kizaru by allot or something but he's either on par or ahead
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Bro what? This sbs was pre ts before jimbei was on the crew?
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Like you fr need top tier endurance or durability to even handle a beef blitz barrage.

There's nothing you can do to block it. No reaction good enough. He's simply too fast.

All man's needs now is one more ap boost like ifrit and he murder stomps the verse.
He's gonna need a durability upgrade for that so he'll be basically indestructible at that point.

Eos sanji is gonna be ridiculous
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Honestly he might be the fastest in the verse. Maybe not faster than kizaru by allot or something but he's either on par or ahead
Yeah i know
It wasn't answered in the sbs but in a knowledge king thing
Never thought this post would gain traction.

Let's not forget the most recent sbs confirming sanjis speed invisibility as being effective on everyone.
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Zoros not faster than luffy tho. Thats my point. He scores higher than chopper potentially. Not luffy.
"Potentially" lol

Oda: He's higher than what he is if he doesn't get lost

Chopper - #3, Zoro - #4 WHILE getting lost. So at least one higher without.

Confirmed above Chopper. And the SBS doesn't prove anything anyway. Zoro can be anywhere from #1 to #3 according to SBS, that's all

Either way, it's movement speed.
That link has literally nothing on it
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"Potentially" lol

Oda: He's higher than what he is if he doesn't get lost

Chopper - #3, Zoro - #4 WHILE getting lost. So at least one higher without.

Confirmed above Chopper. And the SBS doesn't prove anything anyway. Zoro can be anywhere from #1 to #3 according to SBS, that's all

Either way, it's movement speed.
Do you really think the authors out here going

"Hmmm these nerds need different stats on their attacking and movement speed"

No. Thats headcanon. Nothing can be used as evidence for this.

The closest thing would be g2 due to its short burst of speed.

However, no. Zoro isn't above luffy. Meaning he beats chopper. Barely.
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