Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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OMG, first the cope from Sanji fans who refused to accept the new bounties even going as far as to say that there was a mistake by the provider and they messed up the order or waiting for confirmation. And now the Shanks/Luffy fans who are trying to spin this Mihawk hype/portrayal into some sort of yeah Mihawk has this but Shanks is stronger with the most ridiculous excuses.
If I was that fussed about that I'd not have come back. Wanos end of itself was ass and I dropped one piece faster than your parents dropped you off at the orphanage when you were born.
Wanos end was only ass because You left the forum
Why the marines didn't say Shanks who surpasses Mihaws when they shown shanks bounty:josad:
@Shanks @Red Admiral
Because Shanks doesn’t need Mihawk to get hype.

Unlike Fraudhawk who lives off Shanks' hype lmao

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
OMG, first the cope from Sanji fans who refused to accept the new bounties even going as far as to say that there was a mistake by the provider and they messed up the order or waiting for confirmation. And now the Shanks/Luffy fans who are trying to spin this Mihawk hype/portrayal into some sort of yeah Mihawk has this but Shanks is stronger with the most ridiculous excuses.
It's become a Worstgen speciality of sorts :kayneshrug:
Unlike Fraudhawk who lives off Shanks' hype lmao
Shanks' biggest flex is that he's rivals with the guy who has only 3.6b bounty despite not even being a captain of anything, all while the crew he's part of is significantly worse than RHP.

Literally less of a bounty gap between them than than Roger/WB, and WB was Emperor of his own empire :cheers:
I mean speak for yourself. There are still plenty of One Piece youtubers who don't do that., even if they could
And look at their viewership numbers - only a small fraction of that of Ohara, GrandLineReview etc.

You miss one point - big youtubers like that earn their money with that.

Views = Money (directly from youtube and also from better sponsorships)

Again: If you want to blame someone, blame the fandom. Those are the guys that - for whatever reason - love watching dumb hype/clickbait videos. Those are the ones that dictate what youtubers who want to be successful do.
OnePiece that's the most reliable but it depends how you wanna interpret what marines stated.. if you wanna take that as a solely skill ie; superiority in swordsmanship .. which can mean either that Shanks doesn't utilize anything else but his sword in combat not even kicks or guns.. then thats plain superiority to Shanks then its baseless given the factual discrepancies and the drought in that decade to really conclusively say that Mihawk is still superior let alone now over 10 years later where Shanks is completely different and has monumental defeats under his belt... its just a disconnect of realities of 2 different times

Marines are a flawed organization and they contradict in story realities and we see them do so as well so there is no point in taking anything ambiguous from them as a factual instance of realty
You are talking in circles.
It is literally stated by the author that Mihawk is the world strongest swordsman so how is it baseless that he is superior to Shanks:lawsigh:

Bounties and informations derives from infamy is just face value information.. but realistic..

Mihawk vs Shanks isn't that obvious or straightforward
Yeah you can keep that headcanon. Mihawk's infamy is from Oda.

It is obvious and straightforward as stated in the manga

thats your prerogative to take things literally.. i don't or many don't here as well
And like I said, it is irrelevant if you do or don't. It is the author's words.

We all know why some of you don't, and it is not because there's something valid to your claims.

ironic where the burden of proof is on you to prove that Marines are not taking old duels and Mihawk's existing status into account + Shank's arm and are using plausible in story instances where Mihawk and Shank's have said to have fought and shanks had shown inferiority in competence

the argument completely changes if you includes hax like haki, kicks, sabotage into account.. then its not only about skill or swordsmanship its about who's superior to whom regardless of skills of swords.. but rather everything taken into consideration.

and we both know we can't prove that coz we don't know how it will go down.. nir do the marines ..

I'm not even saying Shanks is superior I'm just saying the assumptions based dodgy claims ain't a smart way to play this out
You are the one who made the claim without any proof then you ask another person to prove you wrong lol.

The coping has reached delusional levels now. Swordsmanship includes hakj

No you are just crying that your headcanon was contradicted by the manga. There's no assumption that Mihawk is the strongest is fact
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