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Thank god he has god-like powers.... My old theory before he even appeared right now is a solid 100% right... it was half way until this chapter

Unless some stubborn bastard wants to argue with me now that this isn't his powers and it's just a weapon LOL


one of the frames when Sabo was talking... they showed Imu's eyes and it really looks menacing LOL

Love it

Caribou by the way talked about "marijoa? I have to hear this conversation" is the man he talks about is Imu??? That would be surprising since he's a pirate


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
I'm just asking whether Imu needs certain conditions to wipe out an island or if he's just doing it for shit and giggles like Enel. Well, after all, Skypiea and Enel share some sort of similarities with the WG and especially Imu.

Also, I agree with you. It seems he targetted the island prior to Sabo's visit.
I don't think he needs conditions, but he does not do it for "shits and giggles".
(What were you thinking for "certain conditions"?)

God's Valley may have been targeted because of Rocks.

Lulusia was targeted because they partook in the Eight Nation Revolution and dethroned the royal family. Imu is making an example out of them and letting the rest of the world know what fate may await them if they decide to rebel.
Actually the island seems pretty large, bigger than Onigashima and Marineford, you can see multiple mountains.
But I get you, yeah Kizaru with awakening should at least capable to nuke an island.
Looks like a town to me. Those mountains aren't that big. Onigashima too is surrounded by a mountain range and is over all massive, rather than being a flat island with some buildings on it.

Gorosei Informer

I don't have issue with awakening. Infact I liked the awakening as it perfectly fits and post awakening reminded me of pre TS Luffy pranks. He was more serious in post TS than in pre TS. His good moments were overshadowed by extremely shitty moments like these in the present chapter.
This chapter literally assassinated a part of his character. Might as well kill him here and then if this shit is oda planning to write ahead.
Yeah he had some good moments, like how he handlded getting Katakuri away from the crew and Sunny, him remembering Pedro and his attitude about Tama and such. Also towards Yamato too.

Its these moments as you say, that really do him a disservice and ruin the good he has gained and learned.

Odas writing is very inconsistent/erratic, contradicts itself a lot.
This chap is not a 10/10. I would say 5/10.
We don't know what is Luffy's Dreams despite it's the title. Sabo is probably faking death again. Why do we have to support Bonney at this fucking moment.
Because this is the first time we'll actually get to know her since like, forever? Every time she's been shown, she's only been shown for a short period of time, and then we could go 5-10 years before we see anything of her again.

This time, we'll actually get to know her better as a character, which is good for the community and people who are a fan of her.


Shes definitely gonna be an ally imo. Even a reluctant one like Kidd or so. Well Law was reluctant too lol.

They'll def end up working together and once she hears that Kuma works for/is allied with Luffys dad, that might improve relations or maybe worse them ironically if she hates the Revs for what happened to Kuma lmao.

She already knows them from Sabaody too, well Zoro at least so I doubt she will be their enemy.
I already Expected this. I mean Supernova were introduced for a reason and Strawhats have worked with almost everyone so far.

Law - Punk Hazard
Bege - Whole cake arc
Kid - Wano
Killer - wano
Hawkins - Wano
X drake - Wano
Apoo - Wano

I think I don't need to mention zoro and Luffy.

two character remains which are Bonney and Urouge.

Bonney came now. So I'm expecting Urouge to come for Raijin Island Arc or small arc. Because He is the only to go to raijin island from the info we know and raijin island sort of important. and even oden and roger crew went there. there must be something there.
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