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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Btw @Cinera , what do you think about Imu being related to Mihawk, i.e., Mihawk's mother/sister?
It would explain the eyes, but I kind of doubt it.

I am low key expecting Imu to be several hundred years old. Potentially as old as the Void Century/the formation of the World Government. They're too old to be related to Mihawk IMO.

I think I'm currently more partial to the Rayleigh and/or Shakky theory.
what about luffy upset you tho
this is answer:
I don't have issue with awakening. Infact I liked the awakening as it perfectly fits and post awakening reminded me of pre TS Luffy pranks. He was more serious in post TS than in pre TS. His good moments were overshadowed by extremely shitty moments like these in the present chapter.
This chapter literally assassinated a part of his character. Might as well kill him here and then if this shit is oda planning to write ahead.
Why do you think Imu is a 'she' ?
She plays with butterflies in the "room of flowers", I cant see Oda drawing an adult male doing that. Instead of a cape, her dress seems to have a train. Even in this spoiler, her fingers look very feminine as someone already commented =>
Imu has very feminine fingers!

are the eyes similar? if that the case, can Mihawk control an other weapon?
Yeah, both of their eyes are of same shape and color


Kitetsu Wanker
Because he did not faint from Oven/Caesar while Zoro fainted from Kamazo without haki and Yeti cool brothers. Akainu also did not see slow deathbeard who was slower than regular fodder but the moment he focused his CoO, he treated Marco and Vista like fodders.

Base Luffy already did more damage than Oven when Luffy kicked Katakuri chin.

Zoro was damaged by regular fodders. Crappy durability
Idk man but Invincible Katakuri has become a meme because of how bad he is.
And at the same time he exposed how bad Rupee was... :crazwhat:
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