Who will be the next SH?

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Here to spread some anti-Caribou propaganda

Caribou is literally Ceaser all over again.

- Logia user
- Minor villain
- Antagonistic towards the crew but abused for their powers
- Butt of jokes
- Travels around the boat for awhile for story purposes
- Underling of some stronger villain
- Wants to kill SHs
- Is abused by SHs (and others)
- Chained up
- Cover story andy
- Commited some grave action that goes against a SH ( Chopper/Nami- experimenting with kids, Jimbei - trying to sell mermaids to slavers)
- Troll fuel

Please let's not :shame:
Few flaws

Caribou never had his heart taken

Caribou had cover story that all about him Caesar didn't he part of germa cover lol
If enough people ask for it sure. But if you want Tama to be in right now, the Yamato, Kinemon and Momo needs to be as well since Luffy said he'll come for them? Be fair to everyone and not just look out for yourself.

Dont get yourself threadbanned if all you gonna do is scream at everyone. You said you was gonna be a jackass from now on but at least be clever a out it.


If you want to ignored the arguments that set her apart from this group because you're biased, that's fine by me.
I do. There are many mysteries surrounding Wano, the ancient history, part if the One Piece is there(?) according to Big Mom, Toki, the origin of the poneglyph etc. The narrator also implied we were coming back at the end of 1057.
The fact that Wano's borders aren't open and we didn't get to see that big strawhat flag luffy gave momo makes me certain this wasn't the last we've seen from Wano.

Interactions > power
Being a nakama is about the relationships, but don't underestimate Tama. She saved Nami when Ussop couldn't. She turned the tides of a raid against two emperors, that's more than most powerful characters did. Nonetheless she's is training to get a new set of abilities on top of her devil fruit.

I don't see how all of that is not fufillfed 10x times better by Yama/carrot
Nah, they said goodbye to Carrot, I bet... it just got offscreened so it can be used as a flashback later, just like with Yamato and Marco.

Pot's right about the L-factor, thing: we have no idea what has happened to Carrot. I'd say she'd follow Pedro's Will and go with the Straw Hats, but Yamato following Oden's "Will" resulted in her staying behind to protect Wano, when Oden left Wano behind.

All we know is Carrot had to choose between leaving with the Straw Hats or staying on Zou. Until Oda shows what Carrot chose, it's all guessing.

It makes so much narrative sense, Yamato stays in Wano because that was also Oden's will, to protect Wano and also to set sail. When momo is able to fufill the role of Oden's will of protection then Yamato can set sail and simp over Luffy again.

She couldn't join imeadetly because she was way too OP


But the timings for her are weird as fuck now.

And carrot is the same, she inherits Pedro's will, she obviously wants to see the sea, she doesn't want her role, she gets the same stoaway gag as Neko/inu and she got an inconclusive end in an arc about rejecting forced roles and chasing your dreams.

But she's nowhere in sight....

Instead we get to talk about Boney and fing Caribou that have no narrative purpose or integration
