Who will be the next SH?

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Caribou will be the conciliator between Luffy and Teach that certain someone to establish an alliance between them against Imu.

Just like how Strawhat Jinbe convinced Luffy to ally with Capone.

The certain someone will be the Man with burnt scar
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Consolidated my entire Caribou argument here
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There is an actual ship position called Purser which excellently fits Caribou
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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
It has to be Vivi, noone else of these trash choices are going to get an arc for them in Elbaf.

Vivi is the least exciting option because it's the safest... But no dream/role and weak af.

Least exciting? Yo, these people with their barrels filled with tear soaked towels have no idea what it's like to wait TWO DECADES for Vivi to rejoin the fucking crew.

That's why I refuse to take this overreaction seriously, regarding Carrot and Yamato.

Hell, ignoring Vivi, look at Jinbei: how many times was that teased? Ugh. Carrot and Yamato will join, but PLZ let it be Vivi first, it's been long enough. Also, I'll be super sad if Karoo gets left behind, I love that duck.
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I cant believe that people missed this panel. Waribou definitely is joining.

Notice the barrel at the top of panel. And Oda makes sure Caribou was listening to the dream.
Caribou is going to tell Captain Blackbeard all about Luffy and the Ancient Weapons to gain his place on the Blackbeard Pirates.
Least exciting? Yo, these people with their barrels filled with tear soaked towels have no idea what it's like to wait TWO DECADES for Vivi to rejoin the fucking crew.

That's why I refuse to take this overreaction seriously, regarding Carrot and Yamato.

Hell, ignoring Vivi, look at Jinbei: how many times was that teased? Ugh. Carrot and Yamato will join, but PLZ let it be Vivi first, it's been long enough. Also, I'll be super sad if Karoo gets left behind, I love that duck.
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Caribou is going to tell Captain Blackbeard all about Luffy and the Ancient Weapons to gain his place on the Blackbeard Pirates.

Sorry bro Vivi has to be the 13th. Or actually maybe the 11th, she's has some foresahdowing for either


Ty for the Carrot/Yamato copium, i really do believe they're the only ones that work :josad:

Vivi is the 5.5 (twice is 11) on some vivre card but also the 13th ruler of Alabasta nad is associated with the number 13 some more times.
I think it's hilarious that some fans really consider caribou as a strawhat. Like the guy has zero chances of joining. he's working for someone and it's clear as day that he's not a good guy

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Sorry bro Vivi has to be the 13th. Or actually maybe the 11th, she's has some foresahdowing for either


Ty for the Carrot/Yamato copium, i really do believe they're the only ones that work :josad:

Vivi is the 5.5 (twice is 11) on some vivre card but also the 13th ruler of Alabasta nad is associated with the number 13 some more times.
I wish I was smart enough to understand the number stuff, it fascinates me. If Vivi's the 11th, wouldn't she be next? 1. Luffy 2. Zoro. 3. Nami 4. Usopp 5. Sanji 6. Chopper 7. Robin 8. Franky 9. Brook, 10. Jinbei. Vivi would be 11th then, right?

And, Oda has NEVER dragged out characters like this so much, without having them actually join. Carrot and Yamato are locks for me, Oda is just saving them for something.
Ofc I’m still angry. But even without her those characters are a shitty fit into the strawhat crew.
still think yamato has a clear chance right now. Outside SH's she's the only one who knew about Luffy's dream. and it's been clear that Luffy wanted her to join if not for her decision to stay. She only needs show up and join the crew. and I think that will happen once she finally able to teach Momo the basic of his fruit