I mean this is so provely false i'm not going to bother, how many times as it been posted the last panels of Carrot where they say she inherits Pedro's will, not to mention he verbally tells her to do what he wanted to do. Like bruh
I mean this is just a joke, Bellmere was also with Nami for like 7 years, Rebbeca had her mom only for 6 years, Luffy has a rocket up his ass to meet Shanks and he met him for 1 year only.
Is luffy and Shanks relanioship non existing aswell? It's ONLY 1/5 of 5 years.
You have to much of a hateboner to discuss anythign about Carrot, you hate her we get it.
Is luffy and Shanks relanioship non existing aswell? It's ONLY 1/5 of 5 years.
You have to much of a hateboner to discuss anythign about Carrot, you hate her we get it.
lt was never shown that Pedro cared about Carrot specifically..
Yeah she's a garbage character..