Who will be the next SH?

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I doubt vegapunk joining too, for other reasons, but I wouldn't be mad if it happened, thinking it was a bad choice for a nakama like the person I replied to.
Scientist is a class we haven’t gotten yet, with Franky being the closest to that. He’s mostly a shipwright who makes things for fun, so someone who invents things and assists the SHs with stuff would make sense now that we’re in the Final Saga.

Usopp’s only useful invention was the Clima Takt, which gave Nami some much needed power.

Not sure if Professional Food Eater is much of a class, though… :luffywat:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
As of now, Bonney is showing good chemistry with the crew.

We haven't see VP and how his interaction would go so no case on this one.

And, if oda really intends to have another female member then bonney could be the one.
Scientist is a class we haven’t gotten yet, with Franky being the closest to that. He’s mostly a shipwright who makes things for fun, so someone who invents things and assists the SHs with stuff would make sense now that we’re in the Final Saga.

Usopp’s only useful invention was the Clima Takt, which gave Nami some much needed power.

Not sure if Professional Food Eater is much of a class, though… :luffywat:
Imo that's the biggest thing going for Vegapunk. The only candidate with a set role. Even since the timeskip, only one other candidate aside from Jinbei had a real role, and that was Monet like 400 chapters ago. Everything else was a stretch like log keeper and beast tamer, or done better by an existing strawhat like doctor and lookout. You had to make excuses and they only worked if you squint. Vegapunk as a scientist is as perfect of a role as you could hope for. We'll see how it progresses, maybe I'll end up believing in her (maybe still him?)
The intruders in Chocolat town are Pedro and Pudding disguised as Germa to act as a lure for Ichiji and Reiju. The cover story in the current chapter shows the snow fruits power not ice fruit power because Aokiji is shown to freeze in a second but the pic looks more like ice creams than ice
Imo that's the biggest thing going for Vegapunk. The only candidate with a set role. Even since the timeskip, only one other candidate aside from Jinbei had a real role, and that was Monet like 400 chapters ago. Everything else was a stretch like log keeper and beast tamer, or done better by an existing strawhat like doctor and lookout. You had to make excuses and they only worked if you squint. Vegapunk as a scientist is as perfect of a role as you could hope for. We'll see how it progresses, maybe I'll end up believing in her (maybe still him?)
Tbh, if I had to seriously wage Bonney against Vegapunk, I'm inclined to give more points to Vegapunk, as Bonney seems to be more fitting with the Revos, now as she has connections to Kuma and Sabo. I hope she'll get a good treatment on terms of character development, she deserves it. As for Vegapunk, he will have to fight WG as they are after him now, and it means he's got no choice other than joining either Revos or pirates. I don't see him being too OP as his inventions are really costly, but he can help power-up anything relying on technology, so I'd expect him to stick around on Sunny at least for a bit. Also a robot army for a Yonko fleet seems cool :)
Vegapunk is a conglamoration of 6 seperate people made from one mind, each with distinct personality traits, who works for the world governent and created scientific atrocities, but also granted Kuma's last request to protect sworn enemies of the world government. He was Franky's teacher during the timeskip, and worked with Judge, Caesar, and Queen. Bonney is a supernova captain who's crew was wiped out by Blackbeard, and now she became a queen by using her devil fruit to turn hersrlf into an old lady, she's connected to the revolutionaries through her father Kuma, who himself was a double agent in the world government, but she's also somehow connected to Akainu. None of that sounds more interesting than "daughter of yonko" to you? And that's not even mentioning Carrot.
You're just going into detail, did you see me talking about Yamato's DF even?

I mean sure if you find them interesting, whatever. I think you're more interested with what they know, more than what they are. I'm also interested how Vegapunk is split in 6 doesn't mean i think he's an interesting character on his own, when you're 30 chapters into this arc you'll find him the same as everyone else
Vegapunk joining would be kinda underwhelming since the Straw Hats would then have the smartest man in the One Piece world sailing with them. Him being neutral or somewhat allied with them would be better. And I don't really see an individual robot joining either.

Bonney hasn't really shown much reason to join. Law was an ally for arcs and still left to do his own thing when their shared work was done. Bonney could be an ally like Law but I see no reason for her to join. Luffy already got massive hype having a former Warlord in Jimbei under him, Bonney joining would be a bit much in my opinion. They'll stay allies till their goals and journies no longer overlap in my opinion. I also feel similarly about Boa but her interest in Luffy and desire to help or receive help will likely remain till the end.

I'm still holding out hope for Vivi. She probably needs as much help as she can get so joining back up with the Straw Hats when it comes time to confront the World Government would be fitting in my opinion. Strength-wise, yeah she doesn't bring much to the table unless she gets a fruit but Alabasta made clear she's a true friend if theirs they would loved to have onboard regardless.

With Yamato, I could see the character still joining but just being an ally when needed could probably work too. It's clear Yamato still wants to join but the series is moving forward with or without the Oni Princess and the chances aren't looking very good. Being introduced quite a deal into the arc was already a bit much but joining post-Wano seems even stranger.

Yeah, Carrot's probably just leading Zou now. Hopefully we'll see her in the future when Zunesha comes back to open Wano's borders and perhaps as an ally in the final war but as is, she's not with the Straw Hats. Shame, Oda could've given her more attention in the arcs she was in but I still enjoyed quite a few moments from her. I see no way she can join at this point but of course I'd be happy if she still did.
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I think Smoker works better as an enemy that's still a good person and stays true to his own beliefs rather than joining the crew. He's always detested the way the upper brass operated so him switching sides wouldn't be too wild but joining the crew seems a bit out of nowhere.
With Smoker it would just depend what happened when he’s exposed to the true depths the World Gov will sink to.

He’s seen they’ll cover up things that don’t paint themselves in a good light, but I can’t remember him ever really coming across true evil like Ohara or Lulusiana or whatever the island that got blown ups name is. The closest he came was being worried at how bloodlusted the Marines were becoming at Marineford
Vegapunk may tag along like other characters did in the past. But joining the crew would really break the balance. He’ll eventually be under Dragon’s protection anyway
Vegapunk may tag along like other characters did in the past. But joining the crew would really break the balance. He’ll eventually be under Dragon’s protection anyway
I doubt Vegapunk himself would travel with the crew, considering how powerful and well known he is. An android like Lilith would be more likely, since they seem to have minds of their own.

A thing that puzzles me about Bonney is that she seems to do her own thing. She went to the Reverie as a supposed queen and her father Kuma was the king of Sorbet Kingdom. I wonder if it would make more sense for her to be a Revolutionary instead if she isn’t one already?

We have yet to see that toast with Jinbe, by the way. It doesn’t make sense for something like that to be off-screened since we’ve always seen it before. Assuming this didn’t already happen during the Wano Festival (my memory might be faulty), this arc very well could be a setup for the 10th and final crewmember.

We’re in the Final Saga and the fight against the Blackbeard Pirates is definitely soon, so having 10 crewmembers would balance evenly with the 10 Titanic Captains.
You're just going into detail, did you see me talking about Yamato's DF even?

I mean sure if you find them interesting, whatever. I think you're more interested with what they know, more than what they are. I'm also interested how Vegapunk is split in 6 doesn't mean i think he's an interesting character on his own, when you're 30 chapters into this arc you'll find him the same as everyone else
It's been two chapters my dude. All I'm saying is they have tons of potential and buildup. Much more than Yamato or Carrot did.