What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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Haven’t really been keeping up with the discussion but here are my thoughts on the spoilers:

1. Big Mom’s implied death-as much fun as it is to laugh at magma fuel, I seriously doubt she is dead lol. Pudding could be either lying or just ignorant to the fact that she’s alive, I have serious doubts that Oda killed Big Mom. Kaido is a tossup, Big Mom I doubt it.

2. Aokiji being a part of Teach’s crew-I’ve said for a long time now that this was likely the case, Wang Zhi’s introduction sort of made it unclear if Kuzan was actually the 10th captain, but these spoilers seem to imply that this is the case.

Kuzan still body bags Rayleigh’s bitch though (Blackbeard)

@SakazOuki @The White Crane @God Buggy @MarineHQ @Wuuuke @AkainuTheGrimReaper
Blackbeard is very unimpressive to me ngl
But I think he's slightly stronger than Aokiji tho just because he's the captain.

Like BB 10 Aokiji 9.5 Shiryu 9
Well in reality Bounty is danger the person brings

With Buggy the idea is it you declare war on him..Mihawk will at least in some capacity back him and that already raises his threat level to the point where you yonko level crew to deal with him.

Low on the other hand is given same threat level as Luffy with his crew having a fucking bear, an auction house slave and two beta males only so WG can shit on luffy.

Like I am not sure how someone who played a factor in defeat of an emperor less than Bombs and Magma did deserves 3 billion bounty.

Idk how he's that threatening lmao

Am I meant to believe

Low pulling up with his mascot bear and 3 jebronis is meant to represent same threat as Sun God, King of Hell, Knight of Sea, Sanji..I guess?
Yeah, in short Law's crew is a fodder circus, while Kid's crew is composed of edgy emo junkies which also don't know how to fight, but at least he has Killer.


You can't win
Not really liking the way Oda is focusing more on Blackbeard's devil fruit than haki

But I guess since the character theme always focused on devil fruits, Oda is simply continuing that trend

However if Oda continues to go this route, he'd not really look good compared to Prime beard, who despite having the huge destructive power of the Gura, was also a Haki specialist in all forms(observation, armament, conqueror haki)
Not really liking the way Oda is focusing more on Blackbeard's devil fruit than haki

But I guess since the character theme always focused on devil fruits, Oda is simply continuing that trend

However if Oda continues to go this route, he'd not really look good compared to Prime beard, who despite having the huge destructive power of the Gura, was also a Haki specialist in all forms(observation, armament, conqueror haki)
the main issue here is you thinking he would gonna compare to whitebeard:endthis:


Yeah I remember that well
Being more dangerous because Mags had to take a shit half a day not because stronger

You also have this :

And Shiryu spent years in jail because he didn’t want to fight the guy.

Mags >= Shiryu without a doubt
Even in the panel you posted it says "as strong as magellan" theres no magellan>shiryu its pre ts shiryu=magellan.
Pre skip, that has no relevance to now. Shyiru a mere YC the gap between him an top tier huge. Think of the difference between current Luffy/Zoro already huge, an BB/Shyiru even worse
Here is how it works
Zoro low diffs Low
Shiryu Low diffs Low
Beckman Mid diffs Low
King high diffs Low
Marco High diffs Low
Sanji vs Low is extreme diff either way

No one respects Low..get the fuck over it.

He means nothing to Oda or fans
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