
This place is getting worse day by day

Not safe anymore for trolls

  • Kinyagi got framed
  • Tonnes got proven guilty despite lack of credible evidence
  • I still get branded as fake news and mods took no action when law fans targeted me for giving them reality check - BB will low diff or kill him

I would rather ask the trolls to get a life first.
@Blackbeard @SakazOuki I'm kinda pissed at Oda for giving SanjuanWolf such a generic fruit lol.

Imagine if he was naturally that big and he ate some sort of logia or destructive paramecia. He'd be unstoppable.
If it can decrease his size as well, then it's definitely because Wolf is intended to be a concealed bomb.

I mean with how the crew hunted invisibility, teleportation and imitation powers which might be for a planned raid on Mary Geoise, Wolf can get teleported as a dwarf then jump back to 180m tall inside Mary Geoise to obliterate it whenever it's convenient.
If it can decrease his size as well, then it's definitely because Wolf is intended to be a concealed bomb.

I mean with how the crew hunted invisibility, teleportation and imitation powers which might be for a planned raid on Mary Geoise, Wolf can get teleported as a dwarf then jump back to 180m tall inside Mary Geoise to obliterate it whenever it's convenient.
But do you think BBp will live to see Marie joa?
From the looks of it, BBp and SHp are on a collision course. They'll soon encounter one another. So when would they go to Marie joa?

If the last road poneglyph is in Marie joa, then there is a chance. Otherwise, they'll be defeated by SHp before all that.


It just crossed my mind. major reason Blackbeard and Law were Put together now was not because of BB chasing down for Ponelglyps.
He could have easily got it from Any of the other two. all three of them are carrying the same Copies.

But rather the mystery of Blackbeard Body. Only person to point that stuff out was marco who was a Doctor.
and Law is himself sort of to some extent is a doctor. Even his attack on kaido on rooftop. he was trying to figure out Dragon Anatomy, To pinpoint kaido's heart and attack.

Similarly law might not be able to figure it out but we as a reader will when Law surefire attack on some organ fails to takedown BB.