My Problem with femminist media types

you realize that also can just go on tinder rn and have a hookup without dating right? Sex is not exclusive to dating not whatsoever especially in the modern day
so touting that as a benefit of dating is stupid as it's not a reward particular to it
Yes, but obviously people often prefer a regular partner. And if they didn't gain something from dating, they wouldn't be dating, simple as.

No one is really forced into it LOL, they do it willingly obviously.
Yes, but obviously people often prefer a regular partner. And if they didn't gain something from dating, they wouldn't be dating, simple as.
This is stupid
just because do something does not mean it's beneficial

Lots of people commit suicide guess that's beneficial then, you see how dumb the logic which you have would be

and people date for the same reason why people work alot of the time, it's the only option to what they want despite not being that beneficial
This is stupid
just because do something does not mean it's beneficial

Lots of people commit suicide guess that's beneficial then, you see how dumb the logic which you have would be

and people date for the same reason why people work alot of the time, it's the only option to what they want despite not being that beneficial
Suicide is an insane example to use, which is not at all comparable to dating.

Huh? How is dating the only option? Like what



reminds me of what steve harvey once sai
he's not wrong imo, women get all angry when they find out men have standards for women too.
The only ones they accept are the ones they want you to have.
Tell a group of women how men dont wanna date single mothers for example and watch the shit storm that follows, despite the fact it's a perfectly reasonable standard for a man to have.
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