My Problem with femminist media types

Yes sure, I have seen your 'acceptance'.
Dude i'm litterally giving ressource to help deconstruct yourself on your sexist bias on a thread filled with toxicity, sexism, transphobia and mysoginy while staying calm and without insult.. I think I'm a pretty "accepting" guy.

You guys deserve far worse.
Dude i'm litterally giving ressource to help deconstruct yourself on your sexist bias on a thread filled with toxicity, sexism, transphobia and mysoginy while staying calm and without insult.. I think I'm a pretty "accepting" guy.

You guys deserve far worse.
Yeah, all men are trash. But that is not acceptable for women. So much for being unbiased.

According to you, men who says all women are trash are misogynist, sexist but extreme.radical feminist who says men are trash are unbiased, not mean in that way, blah, blah.

The quote 'you guys deserve far worse' actually shows how accepting you are.
from my experience most women that work from 7:00 to 15:00 and have outwork hobbies don't bother with that shit.

It is the women that do jack shit that start going full right
I'm sure you know a lot of woman

Yeah, all men are trash. But that is not acceptable for women. So much for being unbiased.

According to you, men who says all women are trash are misogynist, sexist but extreme.radical feminist who says men are trash are unbiased, not mean in that way, blah, blah.

The quote 'you guys deserve far worse' actually shows how accepting you are.
Like I said:

Yes "men are trash" is acceptable and the other one "women are trash" is not.

Why ?

Because one is based on sheer but understandable anger in front of a systemic and factually documented issue while the other is based on sexism, bigotery and ignorance.

I know that for the confusionnist, this is a hard concept to grasp, but I have faith in humanity, I'm sure you can make the effort.
I'm sure you know a lot of woman

Like I said:

Yes "men are trash" is acceptable and the other one "women are trash" is not.

Why ?

Because one is based on sheer but understandable anger in front of a systemic and factually documented issue while the other is based on sexism, bigotery and ignorance.

I know that for the confusionnist, this is a hard concept to grasp, but I have faith in humanity, I'm sure you can make the effort.
Both are not acceptable since both are bigotry


No not in the way men are
Obviously you have never seen a female bodybuilder before, you should google that instead of just "a fit women", then you´ll see that women actually can get super ripped too. If you like it or not is a different case but it´s definitely possible.

How could things in this thread get out of hand so much? Zoro having "large boobs", wtf?? And bringing up Amber Heard as an example for feminism is an absolute no-go, ouch! :shame:
I'm sure you know a lot of woman

Like I said:

Yes "men are trash" is acceptable and the other one "women are trash" is not.

Why ?

Because one is based on sheer but understandable anger in front of a systemic and factually documented issue while the other is based on sexism, bigotery and ignorance.

I know that for the confusionnist, this is a hard concept to grasp, but I have faith in humanity, I'm sure you can make the effort.
nah this is unfair lol and that's coming from a *feminist* too


That's the most predictable and incel like comment I have heard up until now..

I have explain clearly why this phrase is acceptable, if you feel hurt by it, it means you have something to work on yourself mate.
Sure dude keep siding with abuser women maybe they will give you approval if you keep pretending women can do nothing wrong.
You hypocrite.
Because one is based on sheer but understandable anger in front of a systemic and factually documented issue while the other is based on sexism, bigotery and ignorance.
This is ignorance. If you think men's generalization is based on so-called 'understandable' anger but women's generalization is from sexism or bigotry, then I have nothing to say.

So, men are sexist but calling all women 'golddiggers' is wrong and blatant misogyny.
All men are bigots but saying all women are 'cheaters' is wrong
A girl can falsely accuse and walk away Scott free but all men are sinful.

Supporting radical trash feminists is good as doing a disservice to actual and genuine victims, female advocates.