Gallete will get a couple of cool panels then get 1 shot by someone randomly during some event (Sulong transformations, Nami abusing the fuck out of Zeus, etc). Same with many other BM children. Anyone who's probably not Smoothie, Campote, Snack, Oven, Daifuku and Perospero probably WONT get signficant panel time over some interesting panels here and there leading to their eventual defeats.
Yes, you have Galette, Bavarois, Mont d'Or, Tamago, Amande, Cinnamon, Citron, the decuplets and more, but these characters where not hyped to be signficant in any way at WCI. They will get their few moments in Wano, I'm sure, but there are nearly 25+ upper tier villains at Wano:
- 9 Numbers (assuming it's 2-10 and that they aren't completely weak shit considering their ranking and now being introduced after the Tobi Roppo, who knows)
- 6 BM Monsters- Smoothie, Snack, Pero, Campote, Daifuku and Oven are all considered the "Monsters" of BMs crew, along with Katakuri and Cracker.
- 5 Tobi Roppo (Drake certainly is turning on them)
- 3 All Stars, maybe 4 with the "Ace" if he exists.
- 2 Yonko
Counting Kanjuro, Mimiwarigumi, Onibawanshu, as one entity each, let's say that adds to 29 arc villains.
Are the 6 other Strawhats not supposed to fight ANY of these 29 characters? Like holy fuck, do the math, they fight any character other than these 30, it's almost not even signficant to drive the plot lmao.
Ever hear of an arc having nearly 30 arc villains and Franky, Brook, Robin, Nami, Chopper and Usopp not even fighting any of them because of a limited mindset that characters can't get stronger? Main characters at that?
That's what
@sanjikun is trying to argue here, and it's asinine.
This is the problem. You think BMPs are "too boring", so you want to wank the newest and coolest characters.
If you were to say Cavendish, Bartolomeo, or Sai with a powerup could beat the Tobbi Roppo, that'd be a decent guess. The other SHs are just too far.
Nobody is saying they are boring, read the above please. I'm saying there are way too many other villains for anyone to care about fucking Galette lmao.