He won't always show them not touching when it's assumed in the fight for drawing convenience..
It is not convenience of the script. It is that in that image two attacks with AdvCoC do not collide, which is the requirement so that they do not touch and Luffy does not use Ryuou, only normal CoA. Then the Attack hits Kaido.
Thanks for proving my point once again
And yet i just explained why i wasn't so try to counter what i said..
Well, in the case of Zoro, Oda doesn't want attacks not to be touched either LoL
Here the one who has to explain things is you, who is to convince us that Zoro uses something never before shown, mentioned or hinted at, not us.
By the way, at no time is it said that the AdvCoC allows you to hit without touching the enemy. Something that the AdvCoA that Zoro has according to you allows.