One Piece Chapter 1070: The Most Powerful Beings

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I think this arc is gonna turn similsr to WCI as in there wont be proper fights but straw hats will fight their way through CP0, Seraphim and the many Battleships with Marines which have probably VA in them, with Luffy vs Kizaru as the main event.

Kizaru makes it clear their escape will be far from easy. And I don't believe Seraphims will get taken down, they will likely be reserved for when they reach their peak when grown up.

That leaves Kuma's role, I think he will warp the ship when Imu releases that weapon which I suspect he will do again in thid arc to prevemt Vegapunk's escape at any cost, Kuma will warp them away.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!โ›ฉ๏ธ
This chapter in the nutshell:

My speculation of Lucci being a low top tier was nice while it lasts, now I can't dare to put Lucci above Sanji anymore.

Sanji's real opponent is the Vegapunk's shoes, CP0 ain't got shit on him.:sanmoji:

It's been over 3 chapters since Sanji got shoe locked and Vegapunk is not gonna open them anytime soon it seems.:sighting:

Young Queen be looking like a gigachad. They say that if Queen was skinny, he would be too popular after all.:queenhear:

Young Queen:

Current Queen:

Judge with the distinct Nika eyebrows.....

Once again, Sanji takes his handsomeness from his mother, truly Sora's Son.:araboss:

If this is Stussy then....

Stussy sounds like ecstasy, she's also the Queen of Pleasure District.....

Guess we know what her job was back then.

Kinda funny how CP0 can also means Child Pron but I won't get into that.

If we do get Sanji's stone gag for S-Snake, we're gonna have not only Minority Hunter, we also have Minor Hunter. Truly Wings of the Pirate King.


Then Kizaru appears at the end.

He's probably gonna pull up in Egghead in Sabaody style hopefully.

Then he might clash with Zoro I guess.

The result will be either this:

Or this

I'm fine with either result cuz I wanna see Zoro fans meltdown when Kizaru beats him or Kinyagi's meltdown when Zoro stalled Kizaru successfully. Either way, it's gonna be a fun time for me.:ihaha:
This chapter in the nutshell:

My speculation of Lucci being a low top tier was nice while it lasts, now I can't dare to put Lucci above Sanji anymore.

Sanji's real opponent is the Vegapunk's shoes, CP0 ain't got shit on him.:sanmoji:

It's been over 3 chapters since Sanji got shoe locked and Vegapunk is not gonna open them anytime soon it seems.:sighting:

Young Queen be looking like a gigachad. They say that if Queen was skinny, he would be too popular after all.:queenhear:

Young Queen:

Current Queen:

Judge with the distinct Nika eyebrows.....

Once again, Sanji takes his handsomeness from his mother, truly Sora's Son.:araboss:

If this is Stussy then....

Stussy sounds like ecstasy, she's also the Queen of Pleasure District.....

Guess we know what her job was back then.

Kinda funny how CP0 can also means Child Pron but I won't get into that.

If we do get Sanji's stone gag for S-Snake, we're gonna have not only Minority Hunter, we also have Minor Hunter. Truly Wings of the Pirate King.


Then Kizaru appears at the end.

He's probably gonna pull up in Egghead in Sabaody style hopefully.

Then he might clash with Zoro I guess.

The result will be either this:

Or this

I'm fine with either result cuz I wanna see Zoro fans meltdown when Kizaru beats him or Kinyagi's meltdown when Zoro stalled Kizaru successfully. Either way, it's gonna be a fun time for me.:ihaha:

@EmperorKinyagi's back story
Wait from what vegapunk is describing it seems the impel down guards have artificial forced awakened zoans rather than natural zoans am I right? Maybe that is the reason why those are still unnamed until now. Also what will happen if the seraphim viles on their arms got broken are their devil fruit powers gonna disappear? Also is this the same method judge used on his kids? Cause judge's is better cause none of the kids have weakness to the sea but they still have superpowers unless this green blood also does not have the sea weakness
I imagine the problem with making powers is a matter of DNA. With the animals its easy to find some (im betting Vegapunk made dragons to extract their DNA and infused it into fruits). With paracemia the things they control have no DNA but you get around it by using the DNA of the person with powers but with logias where you dna got changed to the elements its becomes a massive problem.I was wondering if you can only retransfer the human DNA to the host. but it doesnt seem to be a problem since Jimbei clone can take fake blood from Senor Pink.

The way this chapter end is how the attack should have started. Lucci inflitrating with a couple seraphims. Vegapunk try to send Sentamaru to take control of the ones with Lucci but he gets KO before he can give the order. Then he stays on standby until Kizaru gets there while upstairs the strawhats are getting ready to leave. Luffy not taking Lucci down if they fight is dumb. Vegapunk sending seraphims down when he knows how they work is dumb.