This chapter in the nutshell:
My speculation of Lucci being a low top tier was nice while it lasts, now I can't dare to put Lucci above Sanji anymore.
Sanji's real opponent is the Vegapunk's shoes, CP0 ain't got shit on him.
It's been over 3 chapters since Sanji got shoe locked and Vegapunk is not gonna open them anytime soon it seems.
Young Queen be looking like a gigachad. They say that if Queen was skinny, he would be too popular after all.:queenhear:
Young Queen:
Current Queen:
Judge with the distinct Nika eyebrows.....
Once again, Sanji takes his handsomeness from his mother, truly Sora's Son.
If this is Stussy then....
Stussy sounds like ecstasy, she's also the Queen of Pleasure District.....
Guess we know what her job was back then.
Kinda funny how CP0 can also means Child Pron but I won't get into that.
If we
do get Sanji's stone gag for S-Snake, we're gonna have not only Minority Hunter, we also have Minor Hunter. Truly Wings of the Pirate King.

Then Kizaru appears at the end.
He's probably gonna pull up in Egghead in Sabaody style hopefully.
Then he might clash with Zoro I guess.
The result will be either this:
Or this
I'm fine with either result cuz I wanna see Zoro fans meltdown when Kizaru beats him or Kinyagi's meltdown when Zoro stalled Kizaru successfully. Either way, it's gonna be a fun time for me.