@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung Even with Ouki alive and all the other commanders (Tou, Moubu though very tired, Ouki's vassals), Kyoukai, Shin...this situation looks very brutal to me
So by the time Ouki and Chousou’s armies came face to face, Ouki knew that he was being targeted by a Zhao reinforcement army with an Unidentified commander. Ouki also knew this commander was specifically aiming to take his head by the presence of Houken and the nature of Ouki being lured into a corner situation. So Ouki knew that he had to crush Chousou’s forces as fast as possible and save Moubu, then get the fuck out of there before whoever this commander was could pin him into a death trap. All of this is stated when Ouki reaches Chousou’s army.
So Ouki was specifically trying to dismantle Chousou’s army, slay Chousou, and save Moubu as fast as possible, and in the course of like, 10 minutes, he had already completely dismantled Chousou’s army and was plowing straight through to Chousou’s HQ while Tou was preventing Chousou’s troops from coming to his HQ’s aid.
The sole and only reason that Ouki’s momentum was halted was Houken who’s appearance stopped the entire Qin charge and lead to Houken vs Ouki. But take Houken out of that equation, and Ouki continues to horrifically dismantle Chousou with prejudice and plows straight through his headquarters. Chousou was ultimately unable to stop Tou and was completely overwhelmed and ultimately slayed by Tou, just imagine how much worse of a boat Chousou would be in if he did not have Houken to completely check Ouki and had to somehow handle both Ouki and Tou.
So yeah, Ouki had made a comment that were he inclined to get serious, “Chousou’s formations would not last even for an instant” and I am inclined to believe him, Ouki would’ve totally defeated Chousou and saved Moubu in rapid time. So from here it becomes a question of, can Riboku even make it in time to pin Ouki at all when Ouki’a specific objective was to get out of there before Riboku’s arrival?
Riboku’s cavalry are fast, but Ouki was specifically known as the Monstrous Bird because of how fast he could move his armies as well. So would Riboku have pinned Ouki at all? I say if Riboku would’ve not made it in time, his chances at defeating Ouki even with 40K vs 7K plummet massively.
But let’s say Riboku does pin Ouki, and we have a 40K vs 7K where Ouki cannot retreat to more favorable conditions.
In this scenario, it’s still debatable whether Riboku can actually win lmfao, there’s no (in my opinion) army vs army tactics that Riboku can pull that Ouki/Tou can’t read and correct for. Like I said Riboku’s strength is in prep-time, information manipulation and grand strategy, purely in terms of army vs army warfare he is losing to Ouki, which is why he pulled all of the shenanigans he did to corner Ouki in the first place. So even 7K vs 40K, Ouki is coming for Riboku’s head lol.