The old Qin Six group was respected and feared across China but let's take a moment and look at the current generation.
- Ousen is a straight up warfare genius, up there with Riboku. He had the strategical prowess of the Qin Six years ago, at the time of King Sho (with people naturally wondering about his current lv then), has gotten Hakuki comparisons by Renpa as far back as Sanyou, he's constantly competing with Riboku, his genius literally makes for uber hype moments lol. He also has huge ambition, wanting to create his own kingdom.
- Tou's abilities aren't belows Ouki's, according to Ouki himself...and look at the respect the fandom has for Ouki. He has has yet to show his "true power".
- Yotanwa's portrayal as literally being King of the Mountains is huge. Her tribes are batshit loyal to her, her army is
overpowered and she's a terrifying commander. Her unifying quest is somewhat parallel to Sei's. After all, we are talking about
two kings here.
- Kanki is a freak of nature who never formerly studied warfare but developed his own unique style, which is simply lethal. He has scored some phenomenal Ws (even in a extremely shocking fashion), his thoughts escape even Ousen, he has managed to put Riboku in the worst situation we've ever seen him, despite Riboku's insanely accurate pre battle preparation.
- Moubu got referred as the strongest offensive might in Qin's history in chapter 439 and recently the destructive power of his army compared to the Zenou's clan, he has deep understanding of warfare according to Ouki (such as when he turned an army of peasants into a force that overwhelmed Fuuki's army and his tactics with might alone), can pull off difficult tactics like the Echelon and he's > Oukotsu.
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Owl Ki @FutureWarrior123 @Jailer @MarineHQ
The current group is seriously,
seriously bad news lmfao.