Keep coping with your daily dosage of copium.
No I don't

I would be a fool to want my favorite character to be embarrassed the way Zoro was.
"When you don't know how strong an attack is so you send your weakest pokemon" Zoro was doomed to try to block that attack due to how weak he is. He certainly gave Killer a run for his money in who is the weakest on rooftop.:cheers:

Mihawk should've replaced that failure with someone who is actually worth his time, maybe he should've picked brook since even he is superior to the greenmoss.
I cant cope because all the copium went into your name.
Facts are cringe indeed when you dont like them...
Zoro didn't achieve anything meaningful until Asura too, and Asrua was pretty confirmed to be accidental advanced conqueror's haki.
Prior to that, both Zoro and Luffy managed to damage Kaido with advanced armament.
Zoro's attack power was obviously more hyped, but Luffy had better CQC due to FS. So yeah, rooftop they were same tier.
Since rooftop supernova fight. Zoro got one powerup. Luffy got two.
So current Luffy is a tier stronger
Before the Power ups, Luffy's performance cannot be compared to Zoro's. Not even in the same dimension.
And how can you say that he achieved nothing when he saved Luffy's life 7 times, stopped both Emperors from wiping them out and proceeded to best Kaido and slash his chest open leaving permanent damage on Kaido's body that only one before him achieved?
To call all that same level as Luffy's is simply a lie and you know it. When hardcore Luffy fans admit Zoro is stronger you know what's up.
No, there is no confirmation for aCoC on Asura whatsoever. Not you nor anybody else can provide any evidence for it.
Luffy himself admitted that his hits acheived nothing and were still too shallow and all he managed to do is run out of juice and drag his team down. Since Rooftop, both of them got aCoC. After aCoC, Luffy got G5, Zoro got KOH. Zoro got haki based PUs and Haki transcends everything. Luffy had better CQC due to FS and still ended up hit while Zoro without FS never got hit? lol I am not sure if you know this matter good enough to have this convo... There is nobody in the world better at CQC than Zoro.
All those were said by Oda pre TS. You can say that still stands, but how Oda treats Zoro (or any other SH) is pretty damn revealing..
Why don't plotlines matter? Them being sidelined and discarded in his own arc strongly suggests that current Oda doesn't give a single fuck about Zoro at this point.
It is the intent. He just wants Zoro to be strong enough to deal with misfits so that Luffy don't have to worry about them when he fights the endboss. So yeah, Zoro will be strong, almost as strong as Luffy.......all that will matter however in the end is that Zoro will deal with the 2nd strongest of whoever is after Imu. No plot going on for him, no narrative.
It all stands and we just now understood what Demon God is...
Zoro is treated like always - show dont tell. He was a Conqueror without telling us he is one. Many denied him being one.
He is a Power manifested into Demon god form without telling us. People will deny it as they denied him being a CoC user.
Because the story can move on without them, everything was like a filler to this point, two Emperors are gone like they never existed.
What world-building is achieved by Zoro avenging Yasu, going to Ryuma's grave and being tied to Wano more? Nothing.
It would have been nice but it is nothing that One Piece cannot go on without. Character depth doesnt affect Zoro's power which goes only one way - up.
It turns out that the misfit Zoro dealt with was tougher than endboss Luffy dealt with. If he needed 7 attempts vs Kaido, imagine how many he would need against the misfit tougher than Kaido... Zoro always deals with those that Luffy cant beat.
Right now, there is nobody above Mihawk and if there ends up someone stronger, you can bet Zoro will go after thim.
What feats my guy?
Luffy defeated a Yonko. Zoro defeated a YC1.
We can argue specifics all we want, like Kaido needing a gauntlet to go down. But Luffy in the end launched an island sized punch with advanced conqueror's haki of that range. More impressive than dragon damnation for sure
The feats of facing a combined might of TWO Emperors, something that nobody in the world will ever.
The feats of leaving a scar on Kaido's dragon scales, something that nobody has achieved, Oden aside and Zoro did it without aCOC.
Luffy failed 7 times to defeat a Yonko with help of 15 people during a whole night.
Zoro demolished a Lunarian tougher than Kaido without any help, under 10 minutes.
You keep ignoring context and all you see is "Luffy beat a Yonko". He is not capable of beating a Yonko by himself.
Big fist is as impressive as Sanjuan Wolf being island sized, not at all. Dont bother comparing it to Dragon Damnation lol.
Luffy was always intended to be joyboy/freedom incarnate, true about that. We saw hints about that in skypea, FMI etc.
But nothing suggested that he was a zoan.
But maybe you have a point here.
Still, am to be convinced about Zoro. Not because your argument is necessarily bad, but because I see what Oda has done post TS.
Maybe Oda had that in his mind pre TS, but given how badly Zoro has been treated post TS, I won't be convinced that it's in the plans until I see that Oda has anything in mind for Zoro other than to just have him be strong enough as plot requires.
Let Zoro have at least one active plotline aside from WSS that isn't sidelined/scrapped, then we can talk. Dude literally has NOTHING else than WSS plot going on for him post TS.
Seems like Oda will just give Zoro some "badass" panels like the sleep diff and cutting cyclones......cause apparently that's enough to keep Zbois happy, SMH.
Zoan, Paramecia, Logia, it doesnt matter. It was a Sun God from the start.
Luffy fans have this tendency to talk themselves into a lie that Luffy is stronger than Zoro despite being proven wrong over and over...
East blue - Luffy stronger - Whiskey peak happens - he isnt stronger.
Paradise - Luffy stronger - Thriller bark happens - he isnt stronger.
New World - Luffy stronger - Wano rooftop happens - he isnt stronger.
Zoro can have 0 plotlines for all I care as long as his power stands where it should - at the top of One Piece world.