Which character is stronger ?

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Lead them to paradise.
I must say the Luffy fanbase replicate the same idiocy of Luffy.

Its kinda retarded tbh.

If you want examples:
- Even if you die, don't die Jinbe
- Are you having fun Kaido hehe

His fanbase:
- Zoro can't touch post WCI Luffy with FS (reality: let Otama got kidnapped by fodder)
- Post Udon Luffy low diffs YCs (reality: needed G4 against Ulti)
Did you feel attacked by my post or something? I just made a funny observation.
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They say art inspires life ya know?:myman:

Except that Zoro and Sanji actually respect each other. Can't say the same for their fanbases though.
Thats true.
Zori and Sanji don't have a rilvry
I musta been reading the wrong manga then, call it tense relationship if you want.
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