Which character is stronger ?

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Nah he’s probably still a Sanji fight. Honestly Zoro vs Fujitora and Sanji vs Ryokugyu is looking more and more likely to me.
So you're saying since Zoro fought King who's very similar to Sanji, then now it's Sanji's turn to fight someone similar to Zoro. :finally:

Seriously though, if it's really a Black blade it'd make it very unlikely that he's a Sanji fight. More like a Mihawk or Zoro fight tbh. Maybe Zoro will fight him and learn how to make his swords black before his final fight with Mihawk.
Pre ts lucci had better portrayal
Post ts lucci nothing above kaku
Kaido had above king endurance acoc speed power fs etc
Lucci has nothing on current kaku :milaugh:
Kaku is curently sleeping du to stussy and you dare say that ?

SHow me a single pannel of kaku ordering lucci ? Other then please stop !!! We cant do that or the wg will be angry !
And let him do it anyway ?

Kaku do not have the portrayal of lucci even this arc.


Kizaru: ...i guess...i'm not strong enough to face Ifrit, The King of Djinn....please avenge me, Akainu...thank you for loving me...


i'll kill you, Black Leg Sanji!

Sanji: i guess thats it for me...hey Marimo i'm exhausted, tell someone to carry me to The Sunny, aight? I'm gonna faint now

Zoro: count on me, Idiot Cook. But...i guess we'll talk later. Because, The Fleet Admiral...is here!

Akainu: Where is the one...who kill my dear Borsalino!

Zoro: He's my bronemy. If you wanna have your ways, you have to crush me first!

Zoro vs Akainu! Break next week!

Kaku is curently sleeping du to stussy and you dare say that ?

SHow me a single pannel of kaku ordering lucci ? Other then please stop !!! We cant do that or the wg will be angry !
And let him do it anyway ?

Kaku do not have the portrayal of lucci even this arc.
Sneak attacked with hax by an ally
And lucci never ordered kaku
U cant even read properly
I did not skipped it SPandam was shown constantly to be weaker the lucci isnt that truth ? SPandam is like buggy we were revealed he was weaker then the whole cp9 realy fast.
He was a fake leader.
Luccii was never givne that type of portrayal or prove it !!!
Cool which means the leader of any organization DOES not have to be the strongest correct? Exactly hence why your analogy is mute.

1 lucci is not the leader of cp0
2. Kaku was not stated to be his inferior in cp0
3. Lucci used his strongest attack in hybrid agaaisnt a robot while kaku in base use his strongest attack to destroy a chip that a nerfed yonko bigmom couldn't completely destroy

4 . Both kaku and luccu have awakening with kaku awakening QUICKER than lucci.

Hence why your point is mute. Spandam being leader pretimeskip of any Cypher pol agency means that the leader of Cypher pol DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE STRONGEST LOL
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