If you make it legal, as a buisness that pays tax. Workers there are protected by law and medical care, cash goes into tax for the state, there is less abuse bcs it is legal, traficking drops because you no longer need to force women to do it illegaly.
Delusional. That's not how the world works
If you make something illegal you make it hard to control and monitor

Sex traficking skyrockets, drug abuse, physical abuse and so on

If you make it legal, as a buisness that pays tax. Workers there are protected by law and medical care, cash goes into tax for the state, there is less abuse bcs it is legal, traficking drops because you no longer need to force women to do it illegaly.

There will always be prostitution, always, the question is why should criminals benefit from it and not thw state?

Look at prohibition, perfecr example od what happsns when you ban something
That's alright but I was asking for practical examples, not what would happen in theory.

there is no really difference if the government *regulates* prostitution bc it's inevitably prone to corruption, bribery and overlook abuses so it's better to keep it illegal altogether as there will more deterrent and barries to run it
plus most women involved in prostitution are either in desperate financial position or got trafficked/groomed, it's very clear they are not doing this bc it's empowering or something
even in porn industry, the behind the scenes actions show how the hard struggle and the abuse women suffered :(
True, but there seems to be a minority of sex-workers who come from the middle or upper classes who say they're doing it or did it in their youth because they wanted to for various reasons. One of them even wrote a book and got a film about it. Her name is Emma Becker. There might be others in that case. I used to believe this was a myth until I saw documentaries about escorts and OF ladies.
Why? Do you want more slavery and trafficking?
IMHO banning it will end up like the ban on drugs, ban on alcohol, ban on abortion , with more crime.

I'm for regulating it but tbh I can't speak much about this topic because I have no interest in doing research on it.
Prostitition is disgusting and imho always a form of abuse
IMHO banning it will end up like the ban on drugs, ban on alcohol, ban on abortion , with more crime.

I'm for regulating it but tbh I can't speak much about this topic because I have no interest in doing research on it.
Prostitition is disgusting and imho always a form of abuse
The ban on Alcohol actually led to Health improvement and a 50% decline in Domestic Abuse
IMHO banning it will end up like the ban on drugs, ban on alcohol, ban on abortion , with more crime.

I'm for regulating it but tbh I can't speak much about this topic because I have no interest in doing research on it.
Prostitition is disgusting and imho always a form of abuse
Legalizing prostitution will make it super easy to cover crimes up under the pretense of "legality". Statistics won't show you what is happening behind the scenes.
watched a vlog of an actress who said her bank accounts were getting terminated when someone was founding out about her "activities" that they (the banks) "wouldn't cooperate with". That's a witch hunt !
That's just stupid
there's a million worse jobs that actually harm society but they are perfectly legal.
Prostitution or porn should not be banned based on moral grounds
That's alright but I was asking for practical examples, not what would happen in theory.

True, but there seems to be a minority of sex-workers who come from the middle or upper classes who say they're doing it or did it in their youth because they wanted to for various reasons. One of them even wrote a book and got a film about it. Her name is Emma Becker. There might be others in that case. I used to believe this was a myth until I saw documentaries about escorts and OF ladies.
yeah i know what your talking about.

ah you know some women got big fetish sleeping with strangers, in fact the taboo nature of it causes them to get more temptations of doing so πŸ™„ and others got too addicted even if they was forced at first , it become irreversible at point they just couldn't stop

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
That's alright but I was asking for practical examples, not what would happen in theory.
Red District in Amsterdam

While yes, it has its problems - at least you are aware of them

If it is illegal you cant keep track of it, you cant monitor it, you cant do anything to it while criminals get richer

Making it legal isnt about stopping it, you cant stop it, it is about control and trying to "steer" it

We literally do this with Drugs, keep 1 cartel in power and prevent cartel wars

If you ban something, like prohibition of booze in USA, you just enable criminals to exploit without ANY concern or reason

You cant stop it, but you can lessen it