For me personally, it's not that Naruto was better but rather Naruto ended before anime in general started to fall off in quality whereas One Piece is still going, but even then, the last couple arcs of Naruto were complete shit
Compare 2000-2010 One Piece vs Naruto anime and I doubt you'll see such a huge difference between them
Most anime these days are just comparatively bad in my opinion, maybe it's nostalgia but I feel that they were much better back in the early 2000's to early 2010's and you could tell a lot more effort went into them
Compare 2000-2010 One Piece vs Naruto anime and I doubt you'll see such a huge difference between them
Most anime these days are just comparatively bad in my opinion, maybe it's nostalgia but I feel that they were much better back in the early 2000's to early 2010's and you could tell a lot more effort went into them